Official Release | Huamei General Middle School, a Model Senior High School in Guangzhou, 2024 Enrollment Brochure!


Five Compelling Reasons to Love Huamei Ordinary High School

I. 31 Years of Educational Excellence


Huamei is the first provincial-level private school in Guangdong Province, a Model Senior High School in Guangzhou, an IB World School, a five-star IELTS demonstration high school, and one of the first "Cambridge English Schools" in China. It is also a training base for English teachers in primary and secondary schools in Guangdong Province. With a history of 31 years, Huamei ranks 8th in the Forbes China International School Ranking!

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II. Aspiring to Tsinghua? Aiming for Peking University?


From Huamei, to Tsinghua and Peking University!


Throughout its 31 years of educational history, Huamei International School has accumulated rich experience and cultivated numerous elite students, guiding and supporting your aspirations!


(Listing of students and their university achievements from 2008 to 2023 is omitted for brevity)


III. 100% Diverse University Admissions!


Top Score Improvement in the District


In 2023, Huamei General Middle School achieved a 40% special control line rate, with the score improvement rate ranking first in Tianhe District! The dual first-class pass rate for sports and arts is 100%, 75% of students from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan class were admitted to the University of Macau, and 100% were admitted to the four universities in Macau (University of Macau, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao Institute for Tourism Education), continuously achieving the high-quality development goal of "low intake, excellent output, and excellent intake, higher output."


Huamei General Middle School has cultivated a large number of outstanding students who have been admitted to their ideal universities, with students from the Tsinghua and Peking University classes being admitted to the 985 and 211 double first-class universities!


As a prestigious school with a history of 31 years, Huamei Middle School has successively sent more than 6,000 outstanding students to well-known universities at home and abroad in recent years, achieving dual-track student development.


Huamei High School offers courses in Japanese, Russian, French, German, Spanish, and other small languages, expanding both domestic and international university admission channels. It integrates educational resources from Tsinghua and Peking University, carries out a top-notch innovative talent training program, implements an excellent strong foundation curriculum, and holds subject summer camp activities, broadening students' university admission channels in various ways.


Huamei School has established an Art and Sports Center, offering professional training courses in sports, music, media, art, dance, calligraphy, etc., providing more university admission paths for students with special talents.


Enrollment Brochure


IV. Guangzhou's Strong Faculty School


Huamei General Middle School currently has 188 teachers, including 8 doctors, with a master's degree and above accounting for 42%, ranking at the forefront in Guangzhou.


The school currently has 15 special-grade (senior) teachers, 33 senior teachers, among whom, 15 have received national mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology competition guidance teacher awards, 8 have received the "Guangdong Province Excellent Class Teacher" title, 12 have received the "Guangzhou City Outstanding Teacher" title, 25 have received the "Tianhe District Outstanding Teacher" title, and more than 90 have received various honors in Tianhe District.


Huamei High School teachers implement a "three-year large cycle teaching" system, where the core teachers who lead the current graduating class will teach the new first-year students, accompanying them for three years.


These teachers are rich in teaching experience. The sincere class teachers who sprint for Tsinghua and Peking University are all taught by teachers who have been leading key classes for many years, accompanying students from the first year to the third year, ensuring stable and responsible teachers, accompanying students throughout the journey.


V. Strong Foundation Courses, Efficient Classrooms


Cultivating Top Innovative Talents


Huamei School, in collaboration with the Affiliated High School of Hunan Normal University, jointly carries out a top innovative talent project, sharing teachers, teaching materials, and teaching methods in aspects such as Olympiads, strong foundation, and student thinking training, laying a solid foundation for sprinting to Tsinghua and Peking University, Xi'an Jiaotong University Youth Class, and University of Science and Technology of China Youth Class.


Huamei High School adheres to a student-centered approach, deepens educational reform, and holds competitions and evaluations all year round. Each teacher can flexibly apply an efficient teaching model of "integrating virtue, learning before teaching, and training in class," with classes being intense and efficient, highlighting the students' main position, and greatly improving students' grades. Implement the "four-clear" process management to ensure that students have a solid foundation. From morning reading classes, new classes, exam classes, review classes, subject self-study classes to public self-study classes, each class type has an efficient teaching model.


Huamei Public Class


For you who are excellent with scores above 680




Huamei General High School Public Class, with a super cost-effective ratio! Enjoy high-quality education and life at Huamei, with an excellent team of teachers! Most suitable for you who are excellent with scores above 680 in the middle school entrance examination!


Huamei International School General High School Public Class, with its excellent teachers, beautiful campus environment, and first-class facilities, has become a trusted choice for parents.


Huamei Public Class aims for each student to reach the special control line, tailoring an educational path for each student, allowing them to learn not only knowledge but also how to grow here.


The school uses artificial intelligence tools to deeply carry out AI teaching, with one tablet computer for each person, establishing a big data center and cloud learning space. Each exam uses electronic marking, and after marking, personalized data analysis is provided for each subject, each class, and each student, accurately to the person, accurately to the question, forming a case for each student, and pushing personalized analysis reports and wrong question collections. Provide a cloud learning platform for top students, using external resources to allow top students to selectively enhance their strengths according to their learning situation. Here, every student can, under professional guidance, explore their potential, challenge themselves, and realize personal value.


Remember our password!


Huamei General Middle School Enrollment Code


Enrollment Code 06112


Enrollment Information


Target Applicants: Qualified current and former ninth-grade graduates.


Enrollment Plan: 40 students for the Public Class, 430 for the Yangming Class, and 80 for the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Class.


Enrollment Method: Through the middle school entrance examination volunteer application.


HUAMEI Public Class - Aiming for Tsinghua, Peking University, and 985 Universities


Class Size: One class with 40 students.


Target Students: Excellent students aiming for scores above 650 in the college entrance examination and aspiring to enter prestigious universities like Tsinghua University and Peking University.


Special Features: Dual language curriculum system; University bridging courses; Extensive reading; Competition courses; Flexible schooling; Flexible subjects; Strong foundation curriculum; Programs for top innovative talents.


HUAMEI Yangming Class - General High School (including arts and sports)


Class Size: Eleven classes with 430 students.


Target Students: Middle school graduates aiming to enter 211 and first-tier universities.


Special Features: General high school curriculum; Dual language curriculum system; Examination and training system based on foundational knowledge; Extensive reading; Extensive writing; Personalized tutoring; Career planning courses.


HUAMEI Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Class - For students from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan


Class Size: Two classes with 80 students.


Target Students: Students from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.


Special Features: General high school curriculum; National joint examination courses; Specialized English courses; International culture courses; Artificial intelligence courses; Global perspective and future leadership courses; Career planning courses; Personalized courses.


Training Objectives


Unleashing Students' Potential, Targeting Double First-Class University Admission:


1. Characterized by technological innovation, aiming for admission to prestigious universities, and customizing study plans for outstanding students.


2. Tailored STEAM technology innovation courses, with professors from renowned universities as mentors, to unearth students' potential and target admission to top-tier universities.


Project Advantages - Strong Curriculum Design


Premier Experts


We invite experts on the new college entrance examination curriculum and textbook editors to guide our school, continuously optimizing classroom teaching. Combined with the Huamei Education Research Institute, we continuously refine students' learning strategies, ensuring that outstanding students enjoy a high-quality educational life at Huamei, along with top-tier high school curriculum resources.


Optimal Curriculum


Huamei General Middle School's new college entrance examination curriculum collaborates long-term with key high schools nationwide, maintaining synchronized teaching and research with renowned schools (such as the Affiliated High School of Hunan Normal University, South China Normal University Affiliated Middle School, etc.), sharing high-quality resources.


Wisest Approach


"Tsinghua-Peking University Curriculum," "Dual-Teacher Lectures" + Smart Classroom Teaching; Leveraging high-quality teaching resources to achieve dual-teacher classrooms, synchronized online "Tsinghua-Peking University Curriculum," solidifying subject foundations; Fully implementing smart classroom teaching to scientifically improve students' learning efficiency and grades.


Project Advantages - Optimal Subject Configuration


English Specialty


Huamei School is one of the first "Cambridge English Schools" in China, a training base for English teachers in primary and secondary schools in Guangdong Province, the host school for the Guangdong finals of the National English Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students, and the experimental base for Professor Qiu Yaode's English teaching method.


Huamei General Middle School's English curriculum is one of the first key specialty courses in Guangzhou City, with the best teachers and optimal configuration, cultivating Huamei students to become future elites with a global perspective.


Science and Innovation Specialty


Customized STEAM technology innovation courses, with professors from renowned universities as mentors, to unearth students' potential and target admission to top-tier universities, helping Huamei students aim for Tsinghua and Peking University.


According to students' strengths and intelligence, integrate the STEAM curriculum system, robotics, and information technology training, stimulate students' potential with invention and creation courses, and increase training for various science and innovation competitions and maker competitions.


Math Olympiad Specialty


To maximize the potential of students with excellent mathematical and logical intelligence, Huamei collaborates with the Mathematical Olympiad resources of Tianjin Yinghua Experimental School, invites nationally renowned Math Olympiad gold medal coaches to teach personally, actively carries out mathematics, physics, and chemistry competition activities, and strengthens the advantages of Huamei students in these subjects.


Biology Specialty


Implement the "Biology Strong Foundation Plan," targeting students interested and advantaged in biology, in collaboration with top university biology laboratories and the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, to develop the strengths of Huamei High School's biology discipline.


Project Advantages - Strong Faculty


Dual-Teacher System


Make full use of the unique high-end talent advantages and think tank advantages of the school and the Huamei Education Research Institute, hire professors from first-class universities, leaders in various industries, and outstanding alumni to form the "Huamei School Management Expert Group." Professors from top universities such as Peking University, Sun Yat-sen University, and South China University of Technology, as well as top scientific research institutes, are hired as mentors to regularly give lectures and provide guidance for students' learning and career planning.


Elite Teaching Team


Huamei is recognized by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education as a "Guangdong Provincial Demonstration Teacher Education Practice Base." The elite teaching team of Huamei is composed of foreign teachers with rich teaching experience, returned overseas teachers, and outstanding local teachers.


Ranked Eighth in the Nation! International Elite Management Campus


Huamei Middle School - Guangdong Provincial Demonstration High School


Huamei Middle School collaborates with Guangzhou Middle School and Tianjin Yinghua International School to create and build together, connecting with top universities, vigorously promoting smart classrooms, fully utilizing "AI" artificial intelligence and "You Xue Pai," "Yi Ke Wang" platform teaching resources for precise and effective tutoring and improvement of each student.


Huamei Middle School employs industry-leading experts and academicians as the leading team, a team of special-grade teachers, gathering the strongest curriculum resources and the best smart teaching environment, scientifically improving students' learning efficiency and grades. The college entrance examination results of Huamei General Middle School are inspiring, with the provincial special line rate, undergraduate line rate, art and sports line rate, and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan national joint recruitment all setting historical best records!


Ignite the Science and Innovation Storm!


Science and Innovation, Huamei is serious about it!


Huamei School is committed to promoting innovative education, offering students the most cutting-edge scientific research information and advanced educational resources. The "Huamei Academician Lecture Series" has invited many authoritative academicians to share in-depth and interesting scientific research insights, the latest technology trends, and the most advanced research findings with students.


The Star-Studded Huamei Academician Lecture Series


Academician Xu Yigang

Academician Xu Yigang, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director and Doctoral Supervisor of the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, recipient of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, China Youth Science and Technology Award, Li Siguang Geological Science Award, selected for the Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and an Outstanding Young Scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Academician Liu Ke

Academician Liu Ke, Foreign Member of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, Chair Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Southern University of Science and Technology, Dean of the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Southern University of Science and Technology, Executive Director and Deputy Director of the Center for China and Globalization.


Academician Wang Jianyu

Academician Wang Jianyu, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Executive Deputy Chief Designer of the "Micius" satellite, and Commander-in-Chief of the satellite launch.


Academician Gong Xingrui

Academician Gong Xingrui, a computational condensed matter physicist, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor at Fudan University.


Professor Fan Junhui

Professor Fan Junhui, a graduate of the Department of Physics at the University of Tokyo, Japan, currently a Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at the School of Physics and Electronics Engineering, and Director of the Center for Astrophysics at Guangzhou University.


Professor Cadeville

Professor Cadeville, a终身正教授 at the University of Cambridge, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.


Enjoy a High-Quality Educational Life at Huamei


At Huamei, enjoy a variety of vegetarian educational classes without stepping out of the school gate. Football, equestrian, ballet, calligraphy, fine arts, musical instruments, board games, robotics technology, and more elective courses to suit your interests - you can find it all at Huamei.


Huamei Sports and Fitness Festival, where dark horse athletes sweat it out.


Huamei Art Festival, where versatile performers showcase their talents with confidence.


Huamei Drama Evening, English contests, showcasing the languages of the world.


Huamei Karaoke Contest, where we look forward to the voices of Huamei's singing stars.




Are you intrigued?


Step into Huamei School and start a new chapter in your life!




Do you want to be classmates with Huamei students who have both looks and strength?


Come and explore the top-eight international school in the country by making an appointment.