Enter Hwamei Primary School

Sunac curriculum system integrating Eastern and Western wisdom and transdisciplinary inquiry in the classroom.

Hwamei Primary School is a “demonstration school of the Red Scarf in Guangzhou”, with the core values of “adapting to the changing future and creating a better world”, providing a balanced and beneficial Chinese and Western integration curriculum, and cultivating “rooted, far-reaching, and beautiful” international little citizens.


The curriculum system of Huamei Rongchuang

The characteristic class types of Huamei Primary School

Mango Express

My day at Hwamei

Be independent and self-reliant, learn to learn.

Huamei School is a boarding management school, and the students of Huamei have excellent living and learning habits.


The honor wall of Hwamei teenagers


Elite team

Canadian teachers all hold Ontario teaching certificates and are experienced; Chinese teachers are composed of carefully selected outstanding bilingual teachers; there are 3 doctors and 18 masters in the excellent teaching team.
