Major Event

1995-1999 · Expansion Period

  • 1995年
  • 1996年
  • 1997年
  • 1998年
  • 1999年

In May 1995, Dr. Ye Liqiang, a doctorate and postdoctoral fellow from the University of Guelph in Canada, and his wife returned to China and joined the Huamei founders as a member of Huamei International School affairs committee and executive vice president, while his wife, Ms. Wu Liwei, a master's degree holder from the University of Guelph, served as the director of the audio-visual education center.


On April 22, 1995, Huamei International School newspaper "Huamei International School Garden" was founded. On May 6, 1995, the "Parents' Association" was established and the first general meeting of all parents was held.


On July 6, 1995, the first phase of the Huamei International School Garden project (kindergarten and primary school section) was completed and put into use, and Huamei International School was established as an integrated institution for primary, secondary, and pre-university education. Huamei International School name was changed to Huamei International School.


From May 26 to 28, 1995, the National Education Commission, the Central Educational Science Research Institute, and educational experts from the provinces and cities gathered at Huamei to review and evaluate Huamei International School's pioneering "Three Comprehensive Cultivation" system concept, which was highly praised.


Huamei International School has become an educational reform experimental base of the Modern Educational Science Center - on December 6, 1995, Principal Xiong Jia of Huamei International School and Deputy Director Xie Guosheng of the Guangzhou Modern Educational Research Center signed an agreement. Huamei International School has become the educational reform experimental base of the center.


Principal Ye attended the National Outstanding Returnees with Outstanding Achievements Report Meeting - In February 1996, Executive Vice President Ye Liqiang of Huamei attended the National Outstanding Returnees with Outstanding Achievements Report Meeting on behalf of Huamei and was received by Premier Li Peng and other party and national leaders.


The Guangzhou Small Teaching English Seminar was held at Huamei - On May 22, 1996, the Guangzhou Small Teaching English Teaching Research Office organized more than 130 English teachers from primary schools in Guangzhou to hold an innovative low-section English teaching seminar at Huamei International School.


In 1996, the Guangzhou Women and Children's Work Committee and the Yangcheng Evening News jointly held the "Yangcheng Little Mayor" election event. More than 8,000 fifth and sixth-grade students in Guangzhou registered for the "I Offer a Plan for Guangzhou" essay competition. Ye Jiajia, a student from Class 1 of the fifth grade of Huamei International School, passed the preliminary and final rounds and won the sixth place in the final, elected as the "First Deputy Mayor". He was also the only student who gave a speech in English.


The third anniversary celebration of Huamei and the completion ceremony of the second phase of the project - On July 6, 1996, the third anniversary celebration of Huamei and the completion ceremony of the second phase of the project (middle school section, sports facilities) were held. More than 300 leaders and guests, including Li Xilin, a member of the CPC Central Committee and a general, Liang Lingguang, the former governor of Guangdong Province and the honorary principal of Huamei International School, Wu Liang, the executive deputy mayor of Guangzhou, Li Biqin, the deputy director of the Municipal People's Congress, Chen Wanpeng, the secretary of the Municipal Education Commission and the deputy secretary-general of the municipal government, Wu Ziyan, the director of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress Education, Science, Culture, and Health Committee, Zhou Jinxin, the former deputy commander of the Guangdong Provincial Military Command and a major general, Huang Jinrui, the district chief of Tianhe, and others attended the celebration. At the meeting, Wu Liang, the executive deputy mayor of Guangzhou, on behalf of the municipal government and the Municipal Education Commission, awarded Huamei International School a cash prize of 100,000 yuan to express support and affirmation for the contributions of returning students to the socialist construction and educational undertakings of the motherland. Huamei International School affairs committee decided to establish the "Huamei International School Award Teaching Fund" with it.


In September 1996, Huamei International School has become one of the few "thousand-person schools" among private schools, transitioning from a "quantity scale-oriented development stage" to a "quality and characteristic-centered optimization stage," and proposed new work goals of "achieving comprehensive results, fully displaying characteristics, improving management levels, and striving to create a famous school."


On October 9, 1996, a seven-person educational exchange delegation from Fukuoka City, led by Mr. Machida Hideo, the head of the Fukuoka City Education Bureau, visited Huamei International School. This activity was designated by the Municipal Education Commission as the only representative of private schools in Guangzhou to receive the visit. This once again demonstrated the Municipal Education Commission's full affirmation of Huamei International School's educational achievements over the past three years.


On October 19, 1996, accompanied by relevant persons in charge of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress, the President of the Frankfurt Parliament, Helmut Reichmann and his wife visited Huamei International School. President Reichmann was appointed as an educational consultant for Huamei International School. President Reichmann expressed that he would make efforts to promote further exchanges between Huamei International School and the Frankfurt education community.


On October 29, 1996, the CCTV "Science and Education Revitalize the Country" production team came to Huamei International School for interviews and filming. "Science and Education Revitalize the Country" is a feature film that CCTV is about to launch, focusing on reflecting the latest achievements of educational reform and educational revolution in China. Huamei International School was selected by the Central Propaganda Department, the National Education Commission, and CCTV as the only representative of private schools.


In December 1996, Mr. Cheng Yuan, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a director of the China International Friendship Promotion Association, visited Huamei International School. Principal Xiong Jia, Executive Vice President Ye Liqiang, and Vice President Liu Sha respectively introduced the history, current scale, and development direction of Huamei International School to Mr. Cheng. Mr. Cheng highly praised the educational achievements Huamei International School has made in the past three years and was pleased to inscribe the words: "Cradle of Elites."


On December 20, 1996, the Guangzhou Primary School English Teaching Research Association and Huamei International School jointly organized the second 1996 Guangzhou Primary School Lower Section English Seminar and Open Class at Huamei International School. Lu Zonggan, the head of the Guangzhou Primary School English Teaching Research Association, English teaching researchers from the eight districts and four counties of Guangzhou, and English teachers from more than 140 primary schools in the city participated in the observation and discussion.


On December 22, 1996, Hao Keming, a member of the Party Group of the National Education Commission, Deputy Director of the National Education Science Planning Leading Group, and Director of the National Education Development Research Center, Tan Songhua, Deputy Director of the National Education Development Research Center, Lu Xingwei, a consultant to the National Education Science Planning Leading Group and former Vice Chairman of the China International Education Exchange Association, representatives of educational experts from the Central Educational Science Research Institute, provincial, and municipal educational science research institutes, and more than 20 leaders from relevant departments of Guangzhou visited and inspected the educational work of Huamei International School.


On the afternoon of December 24, 1996, Liang Lingguang, the former Governor of Guangdong Province and the honorary principal of Huamei International School, and his wife came to Huamei International School specially and presented the book "Memoirs of Liang Lingguang," which records his lifelong struggle for the revolutionary cause and the cause of socialist construction, to the founders and students of Huamei International School.


On March 5, 1997, the provincial private education inspection team, led by Chen Gang, the head of the Policy and Regulation Office of the Provincial Department of Education, came to Huamei International School for an inspection of Huamei International School operation. This inspection was part of a nationwide inspection of private schools. The inspection team conducted a comprehensive inspection of Huamei International School through listening to reports, reviewing various materials, holding separate teacher and student symposiums, conducting in-depth inspections of various departments on campus, and participating in staff birthday parties. That evening, Director Chen said at the party that the unity and cohesion of Huamei, as well as the harmonious atmosphere of a big family, have given us hope for private education and filled us with confidence in the cause of private education. We believe that Huamei International School will get better and better.


On April 17, 1997, the Guangzhou Municipal Education Committee's Middle School English Teaching and Research Office organized more than a hundred teacher representatives from all key middle schools in the city to come to Huamei International School to observe the high-quality English open classes of our primary school. This was the third time Huamei International School was specifically named to hold English open classes, further demonstrating the strength of our English teaching. At the same time, the visit of middle school teachers to observe primary school teaching open classes was also the first time in the history of teaching and research in Guangzhou City.


On May 21, 1997, Huamei International School, as the only representative of private schools, accepted the inspection and visit of Chen Dezhen, the former director of the Basic Education Department of the National Education Commission, and his team. The National Education Commission's private school research and inspection team, led by Liang Rixin, the director of the Municipal Education Committee, visited and inspected Huamei International School. They were impressed by the beautiful campus environment and affirmed Huamei International School's special high-quality school-running group, clear school-running philosophy, and achievements in scientific research and teaching reform. Director Chen Dezhen also held a symposium for representatives of private schools in Guangdong Province at Huamei International School.


On July 10, Director Qu led the education leaders and experts who came to Guangzhou to participate in the "National Central City Social Force School Management Work Conference" to visit Huamei International School to inspect Huamei International School operation. They learned about the process of Huamei International School's founders growing from young students studying abroad to successful practitioners of national basic education reform, and how Huamei International School has developed from a small school with less than 90 students at the time of its establishment to a full-time boarding school with an initial scale of 1,200 students. After the visit, Director Qu praised the Huamei people for their spirit of not fearing difficulties, not being mediocre, and pursuing excellence. He also affirmed Huamei International School's educational work, which can adhere to the party's educational policy while focusing on quality and characteristics as breakthrough points, boldly carrying out teaching reforms, and carrying out scientific research to promote Huamei International School. He happily inscribed the words - adhere to the direction, adhere to reform, and cultivate talents.


On July 29, 1997, the information release conference for the "Huamei-Bond Pre-study Abroad Class" jointly established by Huamei International School and the Toronto International College in Canada was held at the Garden Hotel. On September 19, the "Huamei-Bond Pre-study Abroad Class" started. At the opening ceremony, leaders such as Zhen Tianfa, the head of the Guangzhou Municipal Education Commission, and Li Fujiu, the secretary of the Tianhe District Education Bureau, attended and spoke, pointing out that the significance of Huamei International School's preparatory class is not in how many students can be sent abroad, but in providing a new attempt for the reform of China's educational system. They hope that Huamei International School will be successful in cultivating new talents in line with international education.


As the only private school representative, Huamei International School participated in the Guangzhou City Primary School Quality Education Work Conference.


From August 23 to 25, 1997, Principal Aina of Huamei International School's primary department, representing Huamei International School, was invited to attend the Guangzhou City Primary School Quality Education Work Conference held by the Guangzhou Municipal Education Commission in Conghua. Huamei International School was the only representative of social forces in school operation among the participating schools and was accepted as a pilot school for the overall reform and promotion of quality education in Guangzhou City at the conference.


The road in front of Huamei International School was named Huamei Road - According to the document "Guangzhou No. 165" and the approval document "Guangzhou No. 198" of the "Reply on the Naming of Huamei International School Garden and Huamei Road", the name of Huamei International School's land use unit is Huamei International School, the standard name is Huamei International School Garden, and the road in front of Huamei International School was named Huamei Road.


Principal Xiong Jia attended the second national academic seminar of private schools - On October 23, 1997, Principal Xiong Jia and Zhang Keqiang, a member of Huamei International School affairs committee, attended the "Second National Academic Seminar of Private Schools" held in Beijing as representatives of private school operators in Guangdong Province. The theme of the second national academic seminar of private schools, which was attended by more than 210 representatives from 148 private schools, was to study the 15th National Congress and to implement the "Regulations on the Operation of Social Forces in Running Schools" issued by the state, and to further promote the healthy development of private education in China. Principal Xiong Jia made a keynote speech at the meeting titled "Exploration of Constructing a Modern English Education Model with Characteristics". Her speech moved beyond the initial exploration of Huamei International School-running ideas, conditions, and models in the initial stage, and elaborated on the exploration and achievements of Huamei International School in the field of teaching and research, especially in the English teaching model, from a theoretical height. It caused a strong response at the meeting and was affirmed and praised by the representatives.


Vice Principal Liu Sha presided over the "Experimental Research on the Construction of a New English Teaching System for Young, Primary, and Middle School" project, which participated in and passed the review of educational scientific research projects in the Guangdong general education system and was established as one of the educational scientific research planning projects of the general education system in Guangdong Province (during the Ninth Five-Year Plan).


Huamei International School has become an experimental base of the Central Educational Science Research Institute - In November 1997, the Central Educational Science Research Institute's "Research and Experiment on the Development and Improvement of Theories, Policies, and Practices of Private Education" project team agreed in a letter that Huamei International School would undertake a sub-project of the topic and invited Huamei International School to be an experimental school for the project team. At that time, experts from the Central Educational Science Research Institute will organize field visits, consultations, and guidance.


On November 14, 1997, Lv Da, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the People's Education Press, and Zhang Yankai, Deputy Director of the Curriculum Research Office of the Curriculum and Teaching Materials Research Institute of the People's Education Press, came to Huamei International School to visit and guide the work.


On December 12, 1997, Huamei International School, in conjunction with the Guangzhou Primary School English Teaching and Research Association and the Guangzhou Modern Educational Science Research Center, held the first English activity class and English CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction) seminar. In the wave of quality education reform implemented nationwide, Huamei International School has boldly carried out curriculum and teaching reforms, implemented characteristic education, and added activity courses to establish a modern teaching system. Since this semester, English activity classes and key experimental English CAI teaching have been fully promoted in primary schools, achieving good teaching results. A total of eleven English open classes were held this time, attracting more than 400 principals, teaching researchers, and English teachers from Guangzhou.


Huamei International School has become a sub-project unit of the National Education Commission - At the end of 1997, Principal Xiong Jia went to Beijing to attend the opening meeting of the key project "Research and Experiment on the Modernization of Primary, Secondary, and Preschool Education in the 21st Century" by the National Education Commission, and Huamei International School was absorbed as one of the sub-project units.


January 5, 1998, the Guangzhou Educational Experiment Research Association '97 Academic Annual Meeting and Scientific Research Achievement Award Ceremony were held at Huamei International School. This academic annual meeting was organized by Huamei International School in conjunction with the Guangzhou Modern Education Science Center. Leaders such as Director Ye Shixiong of the Guangzhou Municipal Education Commission, Deputy Director Yao Jiyes, Director Wu Ziyan of the Municipal People's Congress Education, Science, Culture, and Health Center, and Director Xie Guosheng of the Municipal Educational Science Research Center attended and spoke on the educational experimental work in Guangzhou City. They expressed their hope that all schools and educational research institutions would deepen educational reform, intensify quality education, enhance the understanding of educational research and experiments, and implement the goal of revitalizing schools through science and education. Principal Xiong Jia of Huamei International School, as a representative of the award-winning research paper unit, as the host, and as the only representative of private schools, spoke at the meeting to report on the efforts and achievements Huamei International School has made in educational experiments and revitalizing schools with scientific research, and expressed the hope that educational leaders and colleagues would provide more guidance and support to Huamei International School. Huamei International School's research achievement "Research and Preliminary Experiment on the Modernization of Primary, Secondary, and Preschool Education Mode" won the third prize of Guangzhou City Educational Experiment Achievement.


On February 12, 1998, seven members including Chen Shunli, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress Education, Science, Culture, and Health Committee, Zhang Mingyuan, Director Chen Gang of the Policy and Regulation Office of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, and Director Zhu Yuanxing of the Office of the Provincial People's Congress Education, Science, Culture, and Health Committee, came to Huamei International School to inspect Huamei International School operation for the drafting of the "Private Education Law." The purpose of the members' visit was to conduct investigations and solicit opinions for the draft of the "Private Education Law" that was about to be released, and Huamei International School was the first stop for the South China Research Group. After listening to the report of Huamei International School affairs committee of Huamei International School, they highly praised the achievements made by Huamei International School in the five years of operation. Member Chen Shunli said, "You are pioneers and activists in the reform of the private education cause, and your experience and achievements will provide very valuable basis for the 'Private Education Law' that is about to be drafted."


On March 11, 1998, two officials from the Asian Pacific University of Kyoto City, Mr. Ishii Hiroshi and Mr. Huang Liyou, came to Huamei International School to discuss student exchange and other matters, and Huamei International School expressed that it would consider sending students to study at the private university.


On March 29, 1998, the Guangzhou Middle-aged and Young Theoretical Workers' Education Hotspot Seminar "Is the Humanistic Spirit the Theme of 21st Century Educational Reform?" was held at Huamei International School. After a year of internal demonstration and discussion and soliciting opinions from educational experts and leaders many times, Huamei International School's "School Operation Plan" (third revision draft) was demonstrated for the last time on April 2 and officially determined this "School Operation Plan," which has been repeatedly demonstrated, discussed, and practiced, as the guiding document for the development of Huamei International School for a long period in the future. The "School Operation Plan" first defined the nature of Huamei International School - Huamei International School's full name is Huamei International School, which is a full-time, boarding English experimental school integrating kindergarten, primary school, middle school, and university preparatory courses, founded by returning students from abroad. At the same time, it clearly defined and explained Huamei International School in ten major areas such as the purpose of running Huamei International School, training objectives, school operation goals, school operation principles, school operation models, curriculum and teaching, moral education work, management work, teachers and students and scale, funding, conditions, and school culture construction.


In April 1998, the "Education Guide" magazine, which is in charge of the Guangzhou Municipal Education Commission and hosted by the Guangzhou Municipal Educational Science Research Institute, edited and published a special issue of Huamei International School's teaching and research. The modern primary, secondary, and preschool education model seminar was held at Huamei International School - at the end of May 1998, Huamei International School successfully hosted Huamei International School education model seminar of the "21st Century Education Modernization Research and Experiment" project group.


From May 25 to 30, 1998, the "Modern Primary, Secondary, and Preschool Education Model" seminar, which was a key topic of the "21st Century Primary, Secondary, and Preschool Education Modernization Research and Experiment" project of the National Education Commission, was held at Huamei International School. Representatives from 40 schools and research units from all over the country and Hong Kong and Macao attended the meeting. A group of schools in Guangzhou that are undergoing modernization construction (such as Zhixin Middle School) also participated in the discussion. Professor Lu Xingwei from the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, an educational expert, presided over the meeting, and leaders from the Guangzhou Municipal Education Commission and Tianhe District Education Bureau attended the opening ceremony. During the meeting, the representatives inspected Huamei International School's "activity education model" and were deeply attracted by Huamei International School's educational concepts of "integrating Eastern and Western educational civilizations" and "promoting student development through activities." They also had a deep impression of Huamei International School's lively subject teaching, rich and colorful activity courses, and orderly extracurricular activities. They also appreciated Huamei International School's performance in building a new education model suitable for Huamei International School's actual situation and social needs over the past five years, which has driven the overall development of Huamei International School.


On May 22, 1998, the Modern Education Edition of the Guangzhou Daily reported on the educational model achievements of Huamei International School, including the "Three Comprehensive Cultivation Model." In May 1998, Huamei International School's teaching and research achievement "Research and Preliminary Practice of the Three Comprehensive Cultivation System" was rated as the first prize of the "Guangdong Province Private School Education Reform Achievement."


On June 1, 1998, Huamei International School's kindergarten was rated as a good kindergarten in Guangzhou City.


On September 21, 1999, Lu Zhonghe, the Deputy Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Deputy Governor, inspected Huamei International School accompanied by leaders from the Provincial Department of Education and the Municipal Education Commission. He highly praised the achievements of Huamei International School's founders in entrepreneurship and the characteristics of Huamei International School's education and teaching.

In 1993, the founders of Huamei International School were invited by the "Guangdong Study Abroad Talent Recruitment Delegation" dispatched by Deputy Governor Lu to return to China from Canada to run a school. Since its establishment, Huamei International School has always been under the care of leaders at all levels of the province, city, and district. During this visit to Huamei, Deputy Governor Lu visited Huamei International School's ecological labor garden, computer network center, honor room, teaching buildings, and student dormitories. He listened to the report from Huamei International School leaders, focusing on the achievements of Huamei in the reform of fees and the cultivation of students. Seeing the rapid development of Huamei International School, Deputy Governor Lu was very pleased and emphasized the significance of the reform of fees for the long term. After listening to the reports from Zhang Keqiang, Ye Liqiang, Liu Sha, and other members of Huamei International School's affairs committee, Governor Lu said humorously and pertinently: "The Provincial Department of Education told me that Huamei is good, and the Municipal Education Commission also told me that Huamei is good, so I came to see for myself, and the result proved that Huamei is really good. It is not by advertising, but by its own quality that it has won the market and the trust of parents." He particularly emphasized the purpose of running a school and quality, and said that as an educational industry, private schools are supported and encouraged by national policies. The recent national education work conference and Premier Zhu's speech on education promoting consumption have injected new vitality into private schools. The founders of Huamei International School, based on their own experience, are committed to promoting quality education, which has brought about a comprehensive improvement in the quality of education and distinct characteristics of Huamei International School, showing unique vitality. He also said that from the achievements of Huamei International School, it can be seen that the government's policy of encouraging private schools is very correct and effective, and in the future, it will better support the work of private schools and strive to solve practical problems for private schools, so that such schools can develop better and faster.

The successful reform of the fee system at Huamei International School - In the spring of 1999, the reserve fund fee reform was carried out. After half a period of effort, it was successfully completed in August 1999 and was inspected and praised by the leaders of the province and the city. The success of this work will have a profound impact on the long-term development of Huamei International School. Since the provincial government and the provincial department of education issued relevant reform documents, Huamei International School leaders at all levels have seriously understood the documents, combined with the actual situation of Huamei International School, and repeatedly deliberated and reviewed the reform plan. With the understanding, cooperation, and support of the majority of parents, and through the positive efforts of the majority of employees, this work, which is difficult to operate but imperative, was successfully completed. The fee reform is the fundamental need for the long-term and healthy development of private boarding schools, including Huamei, in Guangdong Province. It also contains the care and maintenance of the ultimate interests of the majority of parents and is determined by the national macro-control and specific external market conditions. The education reserve fund has laid the foundation for Huamei's cause, but with the change of the situation, it has also brought potential constraints to Huamei's development. After the reform, the new charging method separates the operational risks, enabling Huamei International School to focus more on education, teaching research, management, and training, to run Huamei International School seriously and solidly, and to make Huamei International School a first-class famous private school in the country.

Guangzhou primary and secondary schools jointly carry out classroom teaching optimization activities, and Huamei International School is the only pilot school among private schools. Under the guidance of the Municipal Teaching Research Office, in the form of cooperation, several primary and secondary schools, including provincial, municipal, and district-affiliated schools, jointly carry out practical exploration activities to optimize classroom teaching. The aim is to play the advantages of the group, concentrate efforts on in-depth research on the theory of classroom teaching, and explore and summarize the experience of optimizing classroom teaching within a relatively concentrated range. Among the 29 pilot schools, Huamei International School is the only private school. On November 26, 1999, Huamei International School fully demonstrated the results of the activities to all pilot schools.

In order to exchange experiences in curriculum construction and educational reform of private primary and secondary schools nationwide, the National Academic Seminar on Curriculum Construction and Classroom Teaching Reform for Private Primary and Secondary Schools was held in Shenzhen from November 6th to 8th, 1999. Leaders and teachers from over 200 private primary and secondary schools across the country attended the meeting. Representatives from Huamei International School attending the meeting included Dr. Ye Liqiang, the Executive Vice Principal, Deputy Director Wu Liwei of the Teaching and Research Department, Vice Principal Li Baiyu of the Middle School Department, and Director Chen Xin Yao of the Primary School Department. At the meeting, You Mingjun, the National Supervisor of Education and former director of the National Education Commission's Textbook Office, gave a report titled "Current Status and Development Trends of Basic Education Curriculum and Teaching Material Reform in China Facing the 21st Century." Li Linning, the director of the Basic Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Tan Songhua, a professor at Peking University and the deputy director of the National Education Development Center, and Wu Ziyan, the deputy director of the National Private Education Committee and the former director of the Guangzhou Municipal Education Commission, conveyed the spirit of the national education work conference and made a good exposition on the issue of revitalizing China's education in the 21st century from the macro to the micro, from theory to practice. FHuamei International Schools, including Huamei, made key speeches. In his speech, Dr. Ye introduced the entrepreneurial process, educational philosophy, and achievements of Huamei International School, and focused on Huamei International School's thinking, exploration, and practice in reforming the curriculum structure, building a characteristic education system, and comprehensively promoting quality education. The educational philosophy of Huamei International School, which "integrates Eastern and Western educational civilizations," and its original and deeply reflective of the essence of quality education "Three-in-One Cultivation System" model, has attracted high attention from the participants. The papers submitted by Huamei International School, "Reform of Curriculum Structure, Construction of a Characteristic Curriculum System, and Comprehensive Promotion of Quality Education" and "Ideas and Practices of Computer-assisted Teaching in Huamei International School," won the first and second prizes for outstanding papers at the seminar, respectively.

On December 15th and 16th, 1999, Dr. Ye Liqiang, the Executive Vice Principal of Huamei International School, attended the expanded meeting of the fifth session of the Tianhe District Committee of the Communist Party of China on behalf of Huamei. This was a special education issue studied by the Tianhe District Committee in the form of a plenary meeting of the Party, fully reflecting the high attention of the Tianhe District Committee to education. Huamei International School submitted a report titled "Promote the Advantages of Private Schools and Run Characteristic Schools" and made a key speech. This article was determined to be the report material for the provincial education work conference in Guangdong to be held in the spring of 2000.