Major Event

2016至今 · Second Entrepreneurship Period

  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023

January 2016


The 7th Tianhe District Middle and Primary School Standard Chinese Character Writing Competition. In this competition, the teachers and students of our school's middle school division actively prepared and participated in the competition. Under the careful guidance of teachers Huo Dixing, Zhou Xing, and Mo Wenjun, many of our students won awards, bringing the first piece of good news to Huamei School in 2016.


Student Awards:


Xiaoxiong Youmei won the first prize (Instructor: Huo Dixing); Wu Xiaolan from Class 1, Grade 3 won the first prize; Lai Ruxi from Class 3, Grade 2 won the second prize (Instructor: Huo Dixing); Duan Liying from Class 1, Grade 3 won the third prize (Instructor: Zhou Xing); Cang Naipei from Class 3, Grade 2 won the third prize; Li Shiying from Class 6, Grade 2 won the third prize; Zhou Yao from the original Grade 3 won the third prize (Instructor: Mo Wenjun).


Teacher Awards:


Huo Dixing won the second prize; Zhou Guanhai won the second prize; Wei Zhimang won the second prize; Huo Dixing won the third prize; Feng Xi won the third prize; Long Houzhen won the third prize.


January 4, 2016


Ying Ruohan, a student from Class 2, Grade 1 of our school, participated in the 2015 National Automobile Sports Culture Carnival series activities and the Guangdong Province "Speed King Cup" Karting League Finals, and won the championship of the light weight group (adult group) and the fifth place in the men's and women's mixed group (adult group) of the finals.


January 21, 2016


Under the organization of Dr. Li Ying from the Guangdong Provincial Education Research Institute, more than 60 preschool education experts and famous kindergarten principals from various levels in Guangdong Province gathered at our kindergarten for the "Anji Game Seminar". This event was presided over by Principal Cai Lu from our kindergarten. At the beginning of the event, a welcome speech and a video introducing the international projects and future development plans of our school by Principal Chen Feng of our school were played. Then, the main report session of today's seminar began. During the seminar, everyone discussed and thought about "Anji Game", whether to blindly copy it or to learn from it and improve it. We will implement the spirit of the "Guidelines", promote and implement "taking games as the basic activities", so that children can show more confident and happy smiles. The thinking and practice of Anji Game will continue.


January 20-24, 2016


During the visit to Vancouver, Canada from January 20 to 24, 2016, Principal Chen Feng of our school and Ms. Chen Xiaoying, the director of English and International Courses, discussed future cooperative projects with the University of British Columbia (UBC) in British Columbia, Canada, and the British Columbia International Education Committee (BCCIE). Under the witness of government officials from the British Columbia government, the deputy mayor of North Vancouver, and the Guangzhou government delegation led by Vice Mayor Wang Dong of Guangzhou (including Director Qu Shaobing of the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau), a friendly sister school agreement was signed with Boya Middle School in Vancouver. This visit is the first historical visit since the second entrepreneurship of the Huamei delegation, and also the first in the new year of 2016. This visit not only received the support and coordination help from the International Trade and Investment Office of the British Columbia government and the Guangzhou government departments, but also the recognition and promotion from the British Columbia International Education Association, as well as the strong support from Boya Middle School. It is believed that the international characteristic education of Huamei School will go further and further with the support and cooperation of so many international exchange units or individuals, and create brilliance for the second entrepreneurship of Huamei!


February 2016


In order to achieve the goal of "second entrepreneurship" and to create a "leader of private colleges and universities in the South China region", under the guidance of Professor Qiu Yaode, the "Huamei English Classroom Teaching Model Construction Project" was officially launched, hoping to further deepen the English characteristics of our school and strengthen the international construction of our school. Huamei School selected a total of 7 "seed" teachers from primary school, junior high school, high school, and Sino-Canadian high school to receive guidance from Professor Qiu Yaode.


March 7, 2016


A delegation of 13 people, composed of some county and district education bureau directors and principals of private schools in Tangshan City, led by the director of the Tangshan City Education Bureau, Liu Shaohui, came to our school for exchange and visit. Wang Jianhui, the deputy director of the Tianhe District Education Bureau, Liang Duo, the head of the Basic Education Section of the Guangzhou City Education Bureau, and Li Yinkai, the head of the Ideological and Political Work Section of the district education bureau, accompanied the school for exchange. During the discussion, the guests also had in-depth exchanges with the relevant persons in charge of our school on issues such as school management and teaching reform, and highly praised our school's active exploration in the field of educational reform.


March 10, 2016, Morning


Our school held the establishment meeting and the first meeting of the new school affairs committee. A total of 14 people, including the chairman of the school board, the governor of the school, the principal, and the members of the new school affairs committee, attended the meeting. In order to implement the articles of association of Huamei School and straighten out the school's decision-making and management system, the school board decided to adjust the members of the school affairs committee and transform its functions after research. The members of the new school affairs committee are composed of 10 representatives from the school board members, outstanding teachers, outstanding parents, party and mass organizations, management teams, and external experts. Their function is to supervise and consult on all aspects of the school's work.


March 10, 2016, Afternoon


In order to promote the school's curriculum reform and international cooperation, provide students with multiple ways to succeed, and enhance the school's brand and social benefits, as well as promote the recruitment of high-quality students, our school cooperated with Guangdong Open University to establish the Huamei School of Foreign Languages of Guangdong Open University. Dr. Chen Feng, the principal of our school, Ms. Meng Lihua, the director of the president's office and the director of human resources of Huamei Group, Vice Principal He Binghua, Assistant Principal Ms. Chen Xiaoying, and the heads of relevant departments warmly received Vice Principal Li Jiang and his party. As a special expert of our school's negotiation meeting, Ji Mingming, a member of the National Education Consultation Committee and the former director of the Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences, came to the site for guidance and gave a special lecture. Professor Qiu Yaode, the specially appointed dean of the Huamei School of Foreign Languages of Guangdong Open University, introduced his research and demonstration on the opening of the Applied English major and the training of bilingual education talents in primary, secondary, and kindergarten education in the Guangdong area, as well as the recent preparatory work of the college leadership team for the application of this major. He is full of confidence in building the Huamei School of Foreign Languages relying on the flexible and open lifelong education service platform of Guangdong Open University and the rich experience of Huamei School in bilingual education.


March 21, 2016


Under the joint witness of Mr. Gao Chen from the International Trade and Investment Office of the British Columbia government and Director Huang Xuehong from the Public Relations Department of the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau, the signing ceremony of the EUL project between our school and the University of British Columbia (UBC) was successfully held. In order to help students adapt to the changing future, the school has been continuously exploring cooperation and resource sharing with world-renowned universities. UBC has a profound origin with our school. Every year, more than ten graduates from our Sino-Canadian International High School are admitted to UBC - this world-class research university ranked 30th in the world, which has trained 7 Nobel Prize winners, 67 Rhodes Scholars, and 4 Canadian Prime Ministers.


April 2016


Under the leadership of Principal Chen Feng of our school and Ms. Chen Xiaoying, the director of English and International Courses, and her assistant, the leaders and backbone teachers of our kindergarten and primary school participated in a 3-day IB project training. The trainer, Maike Silver, used a constructive and open IB teaching method to let the teachers learn the concept of IB from practice. The relaxed group learning atmosphere allowed everyone to gain a lot of insights on how to apply the IB concept to kindergarten teaching practice and teaching research activities through discussion and sharing.


April 15, 2016


130 English teachers gathered at our school's primary department to start the "onlookers" activity for our primary school English teaching - the Tianhe District Primary School English Teaching Seminar for grades one and three was held at our school. The seminar focused on the discussion of vocabulary recognition teaching and English reading introduction for the lower and middle sections of primary school English. This time, our school had teacher Li Yalin from the first grade and teacher Xu Bihui from the third grade participate in the teaching discussion "onlookers" activity. The seminar was a great success, and our school's two seminar lessons and experience introduction received high praise from Director Chen Yan, the English teaching researcher of Tianhe District. The attending teachers even used "shocking" to describe the English ability of our students and the wonderful teaching of the teachers.


April 18, 2016


Huamei Education once again achieved a peak cooperation - the GIA class Honors Course (AH course) project signing ceremony was successfully held! The successful docking with the GIA class Honors Course has opened up a new situation where the "three horses" of studying abroad in the GIA class of Huamei School are driving together, and has also promoted the future of our school's education, which is "building a fine school, taking the path of internationalization, and establishing a century-old education brand" to a new height.


May 17, 2016


In order to adapt to the national "Belt and Road" development strategy and the trend of "big diplomacy" for studying in China, enrich the connotation of Chinese education, expand the boundaries of educational internationalization, and innovate the new model of talent training. Our school and Jinan University Chinese Studies Institute have joined hands to establish a "Talent Joint Training Base".


May 20, 2016


Ms. Wen Zhanhong, the head of the Enrollment and Cooperative Education Office of Guangdong Open University, and Mr. Chen Feng, the principal of Guangzhou Huamei International School, jointly signed the "Guangdong Open University - Guangzhou Huamei International School Cooperative Education Agreement". The Huamei School of Foreign Languages of Guangdong Open University was officially established.


June 2016


In 2009, our school introduced the German project and became the first primary school in Guangzhou to offer a German program; in 2013, our school began to set up the first batch of German administrative classes in the fourth grade of primary school. Since the project started, especially after the establishment of the primary school German administrative classes, students have felt German culture while learning German through a variety of colorful German project activities. In September 2016, our school will set up a German feature class in the junior high school, becoming the first school in Guangzhou to set up a German feature class at the junior high school stage.


June 2016


With the joint efforts of the teachers and students of our school's senior three, they have made a great effort, united in spirit, and persistent, composing a magnificent song of the college entrance examination against the trend, completing several times the college entrance examination heavy book target, and the overall performance has reached a historical new high. The performance of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and foreign candidates is outstanding, the pass rate of music and art candidates is 100%, the pass rate of broadcasting and hosting class (single exam) is 72.7%, and all 10 students in the GIA class course project have been admitted to first-class famous schools such as the GIA class Pennsylvania State University.


June 2016


The 2016 Guangzhou middle school examination results and the score lines came out, and our school has achieved a new breakthrough in the college entrance examination, and has also ushered in a new peak in the middle school examination, achieving remarkable results. The main characteristics of our school's middle school examination results in 2016 are high, large, and fast! The leading margin is larger: this year our school's total score in the middle school examination has refreshed the leading margin over the city's total average score last year. The promotion ratio is higher: our school's middle school examination reached the first batch of minimum control score lines of ordinary high schools in Tianhe District accounted for 40.3%, reached the second batch of minimum control score lines of ordinary high schools in Tianhe District accounted for 51.6%, reached the third batch of minimum control score lines of ordinary high schools in Tianhe District accounted for 83.3%, creating the best online score of Huamei in the past five years. The improvement speed is faster: our school's first-year entry unified examination score was 8.83 points lower than the total average score of Tianhe District. From the first year to the third year, more than 30 excellent students have successively studied abroad. Despite this, our school's total average score in the middle school examination is still 10.43 points higher than the total district.


June 2, 2016


On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, the "China Root Search Journey" Malaysian teacher and student camp hosted by Jinan University Chinese Studies Institute visited our school for activities on June 2. As a school with international school-running characteristics, our school has cooperated with many foreign schools for many years to hold various exchange activities. Since our school cooperated with Jinan University Chinese Studies Institute in May to establish the Jinan University Chinese Studies Institute - Guangzhou Huamei International School Talent Joint Training Base, this is the first joint activity.


June 16, 2016


Our school held a music exchange evening of "Danish Cultural Center Artists Entering Huamei Campus" in the cultural and sports center on the evening of June 16. This performance was very honored to invite the Danish Phoenix Orchestra quartet and the young Chinese guzheng musician Ms. Sangka to perform at our school.


June 18, 2016


On the morning of June 18, 2016, at 10 o'clock, the alumni of the 2006 session came from all directions one after another. The principal, class leader, head teacher, and teacher of that year were waiting under the mango tree early, and carried out the 10th anniversary celebration of the graduation of the 2006 session.


June 19, 2016


In order to make the alumni association better play a role in originating from alumni, serving alumni, and benefiting alumni, under the leadership of the lifelong honorary principal of Huamei, Ms. Xiong Jia, together with the school leaders of Huamei School, representatives of alumni associations from various sessions, and representatives of overseas alumni associations, the Huamei School Alumni Association was established to strengthen the connection between alumni and resource sharing. The establishment of the Huamei School Alumni Association and the vertical council meeting ended successfully and satisfactorily in applause. It is believed that in the future, under the leadership and organization of the Huamei Alumni Association, with the active participation of the alumni, it will play a positive role in the future development of the alumni and Huamei School.


July 5, 2016


Guangzhou Huamei International School carried out a charity relay activity of material donation to the poor households of Pan Jia Mountain in Heyang County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, Guangdong Province. A charity relay car carrying about 30 cubic meters of materials such as clothing, bedding, and school bags donated by teachers, students, and parents was transported from Guangzhou to the distant mountainous areas of Shaanxi.


September 2016


During the summer vacation of 2016, the Rio Olympics ignited the enthusiasm of the world, and in the Huamei campus, it was quietly "cultivating and upgrading". In order to create a warmer and more comfortable learning and living atmosphere for the students of Huamei, the school invested 40 million yuan in the upgrade and transformation of the campus environment and student accommodation environment, and carried out the upgrade of the campus hardware facilities without stopping during the summer vacation. New student dormitories, extended corridors of wind and rain, renovated student canteens, new street lights, newly laid asphalt roads, and campus greening rectification, the new campus environment will welcome the new school year with teachers and students... Huamei is moving towards the goal of being a leader in private schools in the South China region step by step.


September 8, 2016


Our school held a celebration for the 32nd Teacher's Day. At the meeting, each department performed wonderful programs to send blessings to the teachers present, and at the same time summarized the achievements made in the past year and clarified the development goals. The people of Huamei worked together to make a joint effort. A number of outstanding teachers and advanced collectives were also commended at the meeting. The leaders of the school, including the chairman of the board of directors of Huamei Group, Mr. Zhang Keqiang, the principal of the school, Mr. Chen Feng, the governor of the school, Ms. Xiong Jia, and the director of the office, Mr. Liu Sha, attended the celebration and awarded the gold employees, advanced teachers, outstanding educators, and advanced collectives.


September 20, 2016


The annual sports festival arrived as scheduled, and the grandeur of "Shashang Qiu Dianbing" is about to be staged in the Huamei campus. On the Youth Square, kindergarten teachers and cute babies danced the warm-up dance with joyful music. On the playground of the primary school, teachers, principals, and primary school students dressed in sports uniforms were ready to go. On the playground of the middle school, the students and teachers of the middle school department were lined up and ready, and on the track and field, the teachers and students of the Sino-Canadian high school were rubbing their hands in the exciting music. Four departments, four venues, launched the sports festival of the whole school with the form of jogging around the campus!


October 2016


The "Kindergarten Education Guidance Outline (Trial)" clearly points out in the organization and implementation part: "The family is an important partner of the kindergarten. It should be based on the principles of respect, equality, and cooperation to strive for the parents' understanding, support, and active participation." Huamei Kindergarten held the first parent committee of the 2016-2017 school year, and the administrative management of the kindergarten and the parents' committee members elected from 13 classes attended the meeting. We look forward to the new parents' committee members to give full play to the role of the parents' committee, to promote the close contact between the kindergarten and the family and society, and to let the kindergarten's care and education work reach a new level in the good home cooperation and co-education.


October 20, 2016


Mr. William E. Couch, the Consul of the GIA class at the Consulate General in Guangzhou, accompanied by Mr. Guo Wanzhuo from the Information Resource Center, came to Guangzhou Huamei International School. The purpose of the Consul's visit was to meet and communicate with the students of our school's Sino-Canadian International High School and to discuss international cultural education with relevant personnel of the school. This visit provided a good platform for information exchange and learning for our school's international education management personnel and students, and showed the outside world the good English foundation, thinking ability, and communication ability of our students. We look forward to more and better exchange activities to continuously expand the students' horizons and improve their communication skills.


October 25, 2016


Our school's 19th Sports Festival and the 23rd Track and Field Sports Meeting were grandly opened, kicking off a one-month sports and fitness month. The principal of our school, Chen Feng, and the governor of the school, Xiong Jia, and other school leaders attended the opening ceremony. This time, Mr. Li Yinkai, the director of the Adult Education Office of the Tianhe District Education Bureau, Mr. Zeng Dai, the deputy director of the Phoenix Street Working Committee of the Tianhe District People's Congress, and Mr. Zhong Botong, the deputy director of the Phoenix Police Station of the Tianhe District, were invited to attend the opening ceremony of our school's sports meeting. The sports meeting is not only an indispensable major event for our school to fully implement quality education and improve students' physical fitness, but also a major review of the school's active promotion of large-scale sports and talent activities and students' physical fitness in recent years, and it is also a promotion of exchange between families and schools.


October 26, 2016


Ten teaching researchers from the Teaching Research Office of the Tianhe District Education Bureau of Guangzhou, led by the deputy director He Ben Zhong, visited Huamei School to conduct a comprehensive inspection, research, and guidance on the teaching work of the three grades of our school's high school department. The serious and responsible attitude and the humble attitude of our school's teachers were highly praised by the experts and leaders of the Teaching Research Office.


October 31, 2016


A total of 8 representatives from the Ecuadorian Chinese Association and the GIA class school of the city of Guayaquil visited our school under the guidance of Director Peng Biao from Jinan University. This visit was promoted under the recommendation of the Chinese Studies Institute of Jinan University, and the Ecuadorian Chinese Association is based on promoting Chinese culture, strengthening the cognition, sense of belonging, and interest of overseas Chinese and local students in Chinese culture. This visit was to seek cooperation and development between our school and the GIA class school in Guayaquil, Ecuador, and to promote educational and cultural exchanges between the two schools. Against the background of the Ecuadorian Chinese Association and the GIA class school in Guayaquil, Ecuador, signing a cooperation agreement with the Chinese Studies Institute of Jinan University, both parties hope to find a K-12 school with similar educational nature and philosophy in China to explore Chinese cultural learning and activities, and to explore the establishment of a sister school relationship to promote cultural and educational cooperation between the two schools.


November 1, 2016


Under the witness of the leaders of the Chinese Studies Institute and other presidents of the Ecuadorian Chinese Association, Principal Chen Feng of our school signed a friendly school agreement with President Cai Zhipeng of the Ecuadorian Chinese Association, Principal Mr. Fersen Leon Villamar of the GIA class school in Ecuador, and Campus Director Mr. Roger West. From the moment the agreement was signed, Guangzhou Huamei International School has another sister school in South America, Ecuador, which makes the pace of the GIA class internationalization go further and larger, and lays a solid foundation for the second foreign language class - Spanish in the future of Huamei School, and also provides a broader platform for Huamei School to promote Chinese culture, and for the children of Chinese and overseas students from sister schools, and even local students in Ecuador who want to come to Huamei School for further study, cultural exchange, etc.


November 5, 2016


Initiated by the Guangdong Primary and Secondary School Principals Federation, and supported by the first national education asset capitalization research center - the Basic Education Training and Research Institute of South China Normal University, the National Primary and Secondary School Innovation and Development High-Quality School Alliance, which gathers 34 primary and secondary schools with innovative development characteristics from all over the country (municipalities, autonomous prefectures), was established at the Peking University Shenzhen Research Center in Shenzhen. As one of the private schools established early, Guangzhou Huamei International School has adhered to innovation and development in education and teaching for many years and was invited to participate in this conference. Principal Chen Feng of our school, as one of the guests, participated in the launch ceremony of the National Primary and Secondary School Innovation and Development High-Quality School Alliance and delivered a speech.


November 9, 2016


The opening ceremony of the first college class of the Huamei School of Foreign Languages of Guangdong Open University was held in Huamei School. 21 teaching teachers of Huamei Kindergarten and Principal Cai Lu attended the opening ceremony as the first students.


November 8, 2016


In order to stimulate students' interest in art, cultivate their temperament, enrich their knowledge, and improve their ability to appreciate and create beauty; at the same time, to effectively implement the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening Educational Reform and Comprehensively Promoting Quality Education" by the Ministry of Education, and to implement the "Physical and Artistic 2+1 Project", our school held the 2016 Campus Culture and Art Festival from November 8 to December 22. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon on November 8, the school leaders and student representatives from all departments gathered on the track and field to hold a grand opening ceremony for the 18th Culture and Art Festival.


November 2016


The new library of our kindergarten has been fully opened, providing a warm and beautiful environment for children's superior reading space, and cultivating children's reading habits in all aspects.


December 1, 2016


In the process of innovation in education and teaching of Huamei School, it can be said to be a thick stroke. All the students and teachers of the first year of high school in the middle school department of Huamei walked into the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and held a unique biological practical activity class called "All Things Have Spirit".


December 8, 2016


Our school has always attached great importance to the moral education of students, and the moral education work seminar is a platform for displaying and exchanging moral education work, allowing teachers to learn from each other, promote each other, and improve the professional level of teachers in daily teaching work. At present, our school's moral education seminar has been carried out for twelve years, with innovative moral education experience shared every year, further promoting the exchange, deepening, and promotion of moral education work in all departments of our school, exploring new ideas, new content, and new forms of our school's moral education work, improving the effectiveness of moral education work, providing detailed theoretical guidance and vivid practical experience for cultivating students to develop good learning, living, and behavioral habits, and further improving the educational and teaching work of our school.


December 10, 2016


Huamei School welcomed the first group of exchange teachers and students from the Frateran Catholic Middle School in Surabaya, Indonesia. They were a group of 17 people who would carry out a two-week cultural experience program in our school. With the joint efforts of all departments, the two-week cultural exchange program for Indonesian students visiting our school was successfully completed. We hope that the visiting students from Indonesia can leave beautiful memories at Huamei, and we also warmly welcome Indonesian students to come to Huamei again. At the same time, we also wish the six students from our school who will go to the Frateran Catholic High School in Surabaya, Indonesia, to have a smooth, fulfilling, and meaningful two-week exchange journey in February 2017.



December 16, 2016


The 9th Pearson Longman English Teaching Annual Conference and Awards Ceremony was held with great pomp at the Shanghai United International School. The theme of this conference was "Deepening Longman English Teaching, Meeting the Changes in English Teaching." Ms. Xu Bihui from the primary school department of our school won the Best Teaching Video Popularity Award in the Longman English Teaching Online Video Competition.


December 22, 2016


Our school held a grand Christmas Open Day, which is also a large-scale activity for our external exchanges and displays. Bilingual teaching demonstrations, authentic classes, warm parent-child interactions, foreign student Chinese speaking contests, characteristic class displays, special lectures, Huamei Alumni Association activities, Christmas evening parties, and other characteristic activities attracted hundreds of parents, students, and alumni. All activities were organized around students and parents, fully displaying the comprehensive quality of students, the characteristics of the school's education, the quality of management, and the close connection between the school and parents, fully demonstrating the international teaching characteristics of our school, and also allowing parents to understand the direction of the school's second reform and to show the future development blueprint of the school.


December 27, 2016


The 2016 Annual Meeting of the Guangdong Private Education Association was held at the Guangzhou Sanyu Hotel Conference Center. The theme of this annual meeting was "New Policies, New Situations, New Developments." After the special report, the Guangdong Private Education Association Primary and Secondary School Committee accepted the donation ceremony of the Guangdong Huamei Education Charity Foundation. This time, the Huamei Education Charity Foundation donated 220,000 yuan, all of which was used to reward outstanding teachers, outstanding workers, and outstanding principals of the primary and secondary school committee. Recommended by the Guangdong Private Education Association Primary and Secondary School Committee, Principal Chen Feng of our school was rated as "Outstanding Principal of Guangdong Private Education"; Ms. Wu Zhen from the primary school department was rated as "Outstanding Teacher of Guangdong Private Education"; Deputy Director Ou Xuemei of the school office was rated as "Advanced Worker of Guangdong Private Education." Recommended by the Guangdong Private Education Association Preschool Committee, teachers Liu Lifen and Lin Xia from the kindergarten were rated as "Outstanding Teachers of Guangdong Private Education," and teacher Wang Zhuqin was rated as "Advanced Worker of Guangdong Private Education."


December 28, 2016


The establishment ceremony of the Huamei School Parent-School Cooperation Committee was held in the kindergarten music and sports room. Parent committee members elected from all departments of Huamei participated in this establishment ceremony, and the members gathered together, enjoying a harmonious atmosphere. The establishment of the Huamei Parent-School Cooperation Committee is to better achieve parent-school cooperation, communication, and joint progress. Strengthen the cohesion of the school, parents, and all sectors of society; optimize the comprehensive, integrated, and sustainable services for students and parents; help to improve the degree of participation of Huamei sentiment and parents and social forces in the educational and teaching work of Huamei. We believe that the Huamei Parent-School Cooperation Committee will become an indispensable important force in the second entrepreneurship of Huamei School, helping Huamei School to achieve a second takeoff, and through the establishment of the Huamei Parent-School Cooperation Committee, the hands of parents and schools will be joined to create a clean, warm, and harmonious learning and living environment for children, laying a solid foundation for the healthy and happy growth of children.


December 2016


From August 24 to 26, 2016, the first Public Health Youth Academic Seminar was successfully held at the Harvard Center in Shanghai. A total of 71 outstanding high school students from 14 countries and 11 schools were selected to participate in this forum, and our school was the only school in Guangzhou that obtained the qualification for recommendation and selection.


Recommended by our summer camp partner - the all-round youth, two students from the Sino-Canadian high school of our school applied and went through several rounds of selection to participate in a three-day leadership forum. In recognition of the outstanding performance of the two students from our school at the seminar and the strong support and cooperation of Huamei School for this forum, the Harvard School of Public Health sent a letter of thanks to Principal Chen Feng across the ocean, expressing sincere gratitude and good wishes!


January 15, 2017


The first "Mutual Learning and Mutual Development" Huamei Education Organization Thematic Seminar was successfully held at Huamei School. The first seminar was hosted by the Guangdong Huamei Education Investment Group and undertaken by Huamei School, mainly focusing on two themes: "Brand Marketing" and "Student Academic Career Planning." The seminar aimed to promote the spirit of "second entrepreneurship," implement the group's policy of "reform, innovation, and development," and better promote mutual learning, mutual assistance, and mutual development among various educational units within the group. At the seminar, representatives of five Huamei educational institutions, including Huamei School, Yinghua School, Guangzhou Open University, Huamei IELTS, and Jinhong Media, carefully prepared to present and explain the achievements and experiences of their institutions in these two aspects to the participants. They also raised questions and confusions, which resonated with everyone and sparked thinking.


January 7-8, 2017


The 2016-2017 Tianhe District Middle School Students' Basketball Match was held at Guangzhou No. 47 Middle School. In the end, the high school girls' basketball team of our school won the third place, setting a historical record for our school in this category.


February 2017


The Huamei School Teachers and Students Exchange Delegation paid a return visit to the Catholic Middle School in Surabaya, Indonesia. This trip was warmly received by the Indonesian school, from airport pickup to the opening ceremony, from course arrangements to activity planning, from clothing, food, housing, and transportation to cultural experiences, all aspects were very thoughtfully considered. The Indonesian school not only arranged for the five exchange students from our school to study local high school courses with the Indonesian students who had previously come to Huamei for exchange but also allowed the students from Huamei to eat, live, study, and play with the Indonesian students, experiencing the local life, study, and ethnic characteristics of Indonesia together.


February 18, 2017


The first lesson of the Huamei Parents' School, "Parental Awakening Rules" - "Let Children Learn Automatically and Voluntarily," co-hosted by the Huamei Parent-School Cooperation Committee and "Beijing Yi Jia Xing," was held in the lecture hall of the primary school department, with more than a hundred parents attending. The successful start of the "first lesson" marks a good beginning for the Huamei Parents' School. On this basis, the Huamei School Parent-School Cooperation Committee will also further explore and implement in-depth and extensive cooperation with authoritative professional institutions engaged in family education research, such as "Beijing Yi Jia Xing," to launch a systematic and comprehensive parent school curriculum suitable for parents of all age groups. It also welcomes parents to recommend relevant resources and channels to the school.


February 24, 2017


The first communication meeting of the Huamei Middle School Parent-School Cooperation Committee was successfully held in Classroom 220 of the Huamei Middle School Department. The main members of the parent-school committee took the initiative to take on the work of signing in, recording the meeting, taking photos, and organizing group discussions. Everyone worked together and cooperated in the division of labor, not only achieving the set goals but also gaining a lot of warmth! The atmosphere on the scene was harmonious, the discussion was enthusiastic, and the enthusiasm of the parents was ignited by the sincerity, dedication, and professionalism of President Qiu.


February 21, 2017


In order to promote linguistic and cultural diversity, as well as multilingualism, UNESCO has designated February 21st each year as Intern


February 21, 2017


To promote linguistic and cultural diversity, as well as multilingualism, UNESCO has designated February 21st each year as International Mother Language Day. The theme for this year is: "Multilingual Education Promotes the Achievement of a Sustainable Future." The foreign student class at Huamei School celebrated this important holiday, where the foreign students experienced the charm of mother languages from different countries around them and also enhanced their pride in their own mother languages.


March 8, 2017


The Foreign Student Department of Huamei International School invited international friends from various consulate clubs, Elizabeth Hospital, and parents of students studying in China to the school to celebrate together. This was the first time Huamei School organized a truly "international" Women's Day event. International friends came to Huamei School as agreed and visited the campus accompanied by teachers and students. The foreign guests highly praised the beautiful campus environment and the students' fluent English.


March 13, 2017


Ten students and three coaches from the Karachi United Football Club in Pakistan came to Guangzhou Huamei International School to participate in cultural exchange and a friendly football match, led by the staff of the Guoshi Education Company. The visit of the young players from Karachi, Pakistan, not only brought a different cultural experience to our students but also inspired the dream of football. At the same time, we not only gave them an opportunity to understand the current state of Chinese education but also let them feel our enthusiasm and hospitality. We hope that the KU team can visit Huamei again in the future and wish the KU football exchange trip a complete success.


March 21, 2017


The primary school department of Huamei International School was invited to participate in the Battle of Books competition. After three rounds of fierce competition, the GIA class team from the fifth grade of the primary school department of Huamei International School won the championship of this competition!


March 29, 2017


The Chinese Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese cadre training center led a group from Shanxi Province Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese history work training class, Hubei Province Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese system cadre training class, and Hainan Province Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese system cadre training class to visit and exchange at Guangzhou Huamei International School. The staff of Huamei led more than 140 guests who came from afar to visit the school. The guests highly praised the harmonious and beautiful campus environment and the unique, inclusive cultural atmosphere of the school. A brief symposium was then held.


April 20, 2017


Mr. Chen Jinlong, the principal of the International Middle School of Huamei International School, and Ms. Chen Xiaoying, the director of the international curriculum of the main school, were invited to attend the China Partner Conference organized by ETS TOEFL Junior China Management Center. They joined guests from more than 60 EPAs across the country in Guangzhou to discuss the development trends of international education. Huamei International School reached a cooperation intention with ETS TOEFL Junior China Management Center and became one of its first "official cooperative schools."


April 22, 2017


Hundreds of international students and parents gathered at the Huamei International School's sports center to participate in the "Gathering at Huamei, Blooming Youth" carnival of Huamei's international education, which brought the friendly collision of "exotic culture" and the passionate shining of "hot youth" in the April day. There were not only exotic food experiences from GIA class, Canada, India, Thailand, South Korea, Africa, and other places, but also exotic dance appreciation from Thailand and Laos, as well as German riddles, GIA class cultural video appreciation, and a series of rich and colorful activities such as on-site demonstrations of Chinese intangible cultural heritage, which vividly interpreted the theme of the times of Chinese internationalization and perfectly implemented the educational actions of the "Belt and Road" strategy into daily education and teaching activities.


May 6, 2017


After many Sino-foreign communications and the strong support of Huamei School, the Guangzhou International School Track and Field Sports Meeting was held as scheduled at Huamei International School. There were about 150 participating teachers and students, who came from many international schools in Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, and other places. The host Huamei team had 18 athletes, all from the second year of junior high school, and Class 1 of the second year was the main force of the Huamei team, sending out 9 players.


May 10-21, 2017


To further enhance the school's international perspective in education and curriculum reform, Ms. Xiong Jia, the Lifetime Honorary Principal of Huamei International School, was invited to participate in the study tour to the United States and the China-US Curriculum Reform Summit organized by the Beijing Private Education Association. The education delegation consisted of 38 principals or chairmen from private schools across the country, arranged by the Beijing Private Education Association. The purpose of the educational exchange was to visit and learn about the outstanding private schools and their educational characteristics in the developed areas of the GIA class in the East.


May 20-21, 2017


The 2017 Asia-Pacific Youth Model APEC Junior (hereinafter referred to as "Model APEC") National Semi-Finals in the South China region (Guangzhou) were held at the Huamei International School in Guangzhou. Outstanding students from Guangzhou, Shaoguan, Meizhou, Jiangxi, and other places gathered to start a two-day pre-competition training and national semi-finals for Model APEC Junior. After a day and a half of pre-competition training and the final competition, the contestants all performed well, and the winners will directly enter the national finals to be held in Beijing in July.


June 10, 2017


The 2017 "Mengzhen Cup" Guangfu Martial Arts Culture Festival Children's Martial Arts Carnival Competition kicked off at the Guangzhou Sports Vocational School Gymnasium. The children from Huamei Kindergarten participated in the competition in two teams. In the end, Huamei Team 1's "Collective Saber" won the first prize, and Huamei Team 2's "Martial Arts Kids" won the second prize.


June 19, 2017


The leaders, teachers, and students of Huamei International School gathered on the track and field to hold a grand and solemn flag-raising ceremony for the 24th anniversary of Huamei School. The 24th birthday is a milestone of development and also a new starting point for innovation and leapfrog development. With a hundred boats competing and a thousand sails competing, Huamei School will promote the progress of teachers, students, and alumni, radiate social harmony, and play a grand movement of Huamei that advocates virtue, practice, tolerance, and self-improvement! On this day, it is also the first day of the 25th anniversary of the school celebration of Huamei International School, an international boutique school with Chinese roots.


June 26, 2017


The opening ceremony of the 2017 Guangdong Province English Subject Backbone Teacher Training was held at the Huamei International School in Guangzhou. More than 40 backbone English teachers from seven regions of Guangdong Province spent an unforgettable 15 days of study at Huamei School.


June 15, 2017


To set an example for the growth of Huamei School's faculty and staff, to encourage them to learn more and make progress in their work and life, and to implement the concept of "Becoming better every day at Huamei." On the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the establishment of Huamei School, the "Huamei Gold Medal Employee, Leading Discipline Speaker Flash Theme Speech Activity" organized by the principal's office of Huamei School was held. The school leaders and faculty and staff gathered in the primary school's ladder classroom to learn from the gold medal employees and outstanding leading discipline speakers who have achieved the highest honors in various departments.


June 2017


In 2017, foreign students from the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Foreign Class of Huamei International School participated in the independent recruitment exams of various universities and achieved excellent results. Feng Quanqing from Canada and Wu Xinyi from Brazil were admitted to Tsinghua University; Li Shiying, Li Deying from Vietnam, Zheng Junjiao, Han Zhenxi from South Korea, and Zhang Guohu from Indonesia were admitted to Zhejiang University; Wu Niya from Indonesia was admitted to Sun Yat-sen University; Xu Bingchen from South Korea was admitted to the University of Torrens in Australia!


June 28, 2017


The board of directors of Guangzhou Huamei International School held a commendation meeting in Room 220 of the middle school department to commend and reward the 2017 college entrance examination preparation team of the Huamei middle school department. Leaders such as Mr. Zhang Keqiang, the president of Guangzhou Huamei Group and the chairman of Huamei School, and Mr. Chen Feng, the principal of Huamei School, as well as all the faculty and staff of the middle school department, attended the meeting.


June 27, 2017


Huamei Sino-Canadian High School held its 20th anniversary celebration and the 2017 graduation ceremony. For 20 years, with nearly 5,000 graduates and tens of thousands of handshakes, the earliest study abroad brand in GuangdongHuamei Sino-Canadian High School, has entered its "weak crown" year. Although only 20 years old, it is the "big brother" in the study abroad circle. It is the only school visited by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper during his visit to China in 2012, the flagship of Canadian education in China, and also the earliest AP-registered school in Guangdong Province, with the registration number 694286. Its alumni are all over the world's top schools such as Yale University, Cornell University, University of California at Berkeley, Columbia University, and MIT. It has always been low-key, always seriously doing pure international education, it has Chinese roots, and it is more future-oriented and heading towards the world.


July 10, 2017


The 2017 Primary School English Backbone Teacher Training in Guangdong Province, hosted by the Huamei School of Foreign Languages of Guangdong Open University, was successfully concluded, and the graduation ceremony was held as scheduled. Professor Wang Jiangen of Guangdong Open University, Principal Chen Feng of Guangzhou Huamei International School, Dean Qiu Yaode of Huamei School of Foreign Languages, and Vice Dean Chen Xiaoying attended the ceremony.


August 14, 2017


Guangzhou Huamei International School and Frateran Catholic High School in Surabaya, Indonesia, were pleased to form a friendship and officially signed a sister school agreement. The signing of this agreement further consolidates the cooperation between the two schools, providing more opportunities for students to broaden their horizons, exercise their abilities, learn to get along with people in a multicultural world, and learn to spread and promote the cultures of the two countries. It also paves a smoother road for the international education exchange projects between the two schools.


August 23, 2017


The Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau held the 6th Guangzhou Municipal Government Education Supervision and the 8th Special Education Supervision Appointment Conference at Guangzhou Building. Principal Chen Feng of Huamei International School was appointed as a government education supervisor by the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality.


September 2017


Huamei International School was officially rated as a "Guangzhou Safe and Civilized Campus."


September 1, 2017


An entrance ceremony for first-grade students was held at the Huamei International School's sports center to motivate children to study diligently, be knowledgeable and polite, and promote China's excellent traditional culture.


September 7, 2017


Huamei International School held a celebration for the first semester of the 2017-2018 academic year's staff meeting and the 25th anniversary Teachers' Day commendation meeting. This Teachers' Day is also the first festival for Huamei School to welcome its 25th birthday. A number of outstanding teachers and advanced collectives were also commended at the meeting.


September 7, 2017


As Teachers' Day approached, the Guangzhou Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government held a celebration of Teachers' Day at the 2nd floor meeting hall of Building 5 of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee. Huamei International School (hereinafter referred to as Huamei School) was rated as a "Guangzhou Advanced Collective in Education Work" at this Teachers' Day meeting. Principal Chen Feng of the main school represented Huamei School and was invited to attend the meeting.


September 21-24, 2017


The "2017 Guangdong 21st Century Maritime Silk Road International Expo" continued to be held at the Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center in Dongguan City. As an international boutique school with Chinese roots, Huamei International School is also a Chinese language education base in Guangzhou. Over the past 24 years, thousands of students from more than 30 countries and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan regions have come to the school for study. Therefore, it was invited to participate in this international expo and was also the only school invited to this international expo.


September 25, 2017


The first class of the "Professor Qiu Yaode English Experimental Class" of the primary school department of Guangzhou Huamei International School has started!


September 25, 2017


The main school of Huamei International School held the 2017 Huamei School Cadres Conference and the launch meeting of the Zhiliang Learning Study. At this cadre meeting, Chairman Zhang Keqiang made an important speech and put forward requirements to all the cadres of Huamei School. Principal Chen Feng shared the story of learning Wang Yangming's philosophy at the cadre meeting and shared the learning experience with all the cadres.


October 9, 2017


The 2017 Physical Fitness Festival and campus jogging event of Huamei International School was launched. Huamei people used a campus running event to express that our pursuit of the big Chinese dream and the small Huamei dream will never stop!


October 17, 2017


Deputy Governor of Guangdong Province Huang Ning led a team, accompanied by Zhao Kang, the inspector of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, Zhang Chunxin, the deputy director of the General Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province, Wang Dong, the deputy mayor of Guangzhou City, Fan Qun, the director of the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau, Zeng Dongbiao, the director of the Tianhe District Education Bureau of Guangzhou City, and many other provincial, municipal, and district leaders, to visit Guangzhou Huamei International School for research.


October 31, 2017


Following the visit of Deputy Governor of Guangdong Province Huang Ning to Guangzhou Huamei International School (hereinafter referred to as Huamei School), a special research group composed of Chen Yuehong, the deputy inspector of the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau, Wang Mingjin, the researcher of the Propaganda and Communication Office of the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau, and Chen Liang, also from the Propaganda and Communication Office, came to Huamei School to conduct a special research on the issue of international education in response to the requirements of the provincial and municipal leaders and the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau Party Committee.


November 2017


The "CBA Guangzhou Long Lions" Tianhe District Primary School Basketball League in Guangzhou came to an end after several rounds of fierce competition. In the end, the boys' basketball team of the primary school department of Huamei International School successfully defended their title and won the championship again, achieving two consecutive championships.


November 5, 2017


Wang Fuqiang, the head of the Industry Department of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (one of the 25 units of the national high-end think tank construction) and the deputy head of the development planning group of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (hereinafter referred to as the Greater Bay Area) city cluster, and his team visited Guangzhou Huamei International School for research.


November 14, 2017


The 20th Physical Fitness Festival and the 24th Track and Field Sports Meeting of Huamei International School were grandly opened. Students, teachers, and principals hand in hand formed a creative formation "HM25" that bloomed in the center of the track and field, and various departments entered the venue with great vitality, opening the prelude to the sports meeting.


November 18, 2017


All the teachers, students, and parents of the 2018 senior high school of the middle school department and the study abroad department of Huamei gathered at the cultural and sports center to hold a grand adult ceremony for the 18-year-olds. The entire adult ceremony consisted of a series of activities such as crossing the "adult gate," playing the national anthem, three bows of gratitude to parents and teachers, collective oath, collective recitation of "To Youth," lawyer's speech, and song performance.


November 20, 2017


Student representatives and teachers from the kindergarten, primary school, middle school, international middle school, and study abroad department of Huamei School gathered at the Youth Square to open the prelude to the Cultural and Art Festival and the Thanksgiving Cultural Activity. Let us learn to be grateful, express gratitude, bathe in love, create love, and pass on love in this beautiful campus full of artistic atmosphere, and jointly build a beautiful home and world.


December 8, 2017


The "2017 Winter Cambridge English Teaching Seminar" hosted by Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English Examinations Department, and undertaken by Guangzhou Huamei International School, was successfully held! Experts and scholars from home and abroad, as well as colleagues from more than 50 schools, gathered at Huamei. The Cambridge English School renewal ceremony was held at the meeting, and Guangzhou Huamei International School successfully passed the assessment, renewed the Cambridge English School, and received the honorary plaque.


December 2017


At the 2017 Fortune Forum, Mr. Steve, the Canadian principal of Huamei Sino-Canadian High School, took a photo with the current Prime Minister of Canada, Trudeau. Following the visit of former Canadian Prime Minister Harper to Huamei in 2012, the education of Huamei Sino-Canadian High School was once again highly recognized by the Canadian government!


March 5, 2018


At 7 pm, the middle school department and the study abroad department of Huamei International School held the "100-day Oath" ceremony for the 2018 college entrance examination at the cultural and sports center.


March 21, 2018


The Palace of the King of Nanyue, in conjunction with Zhi Zhi Classroom, brought the "Maritime Silk Road Culture into Campus" tour exhibition with the theme of "Vast South China Sea - Guangzhou and the Maritime Silk Road" into Huamei International School.


March 23, 2018


The "Aspiring to Great Ambitions and Building the Chinese Dream" Zhi Liang Si He Yuan Huamei International School Class 2 of the Fourth Year Aspiration Conference was held.


May 6, 2018


Principal Chen Feng, on behalf of private schools, signed and submitted the "Guangzhou Extracurricular Training Institutions Self-Discipline Convention."


May 6, 2018


Huamei GIA Class Inter-Education Group, as a national leader in private education and a leader in Guangdong private education, fully participated in the second annual conference of international schools and the education resource expo. Chairman Chen Jinlong was invited to attend the "Group Schooling Summit" and delivered a speech.



May 14, 2018


The 21st "Voice of Huamei" Art Evening of Huamei Middle School and International Student Department.


May 23, 2018


The first Huamei Cup Basketball Game of Huamei Alumni Association was successfully held.


May 29, 2018


Huamei International School International High School organized the "Ambition Festival and Adult Ceremony."


June 8, 2018


Huamei School held the high school graduation ceremony.


June 16, 2018


The cruise event for the 10th anniversary of graduation of the 2008 alumni was successfully held.


June 19, 2018


Huamei School held the 25th anniversary celebration.


Beijing Foreign Studies University awarded Huamei School the "International Education Student Base" plaque.


June 21, 2018


The Huamei Primary School Department held the graduation ceremony.


June 25, 2018


Huamei School Junior High Department held the graduation ceremony.


July 2, 2018


The parents' committee members of Huamei Kindergarten donated the funds raised from the "Butterfly Agreement" charity sale before the topic to Qi Zhi School, the social welfare kindergarten, and "Happy Donation Books."


July 6, 2018


Huamei Kindergarten held the 2018 graduation ceremony for the senior class.


July 25, 2018


Huamei Guangkai Foreign Language School signed an agreement with Aigada School to become a student base.


September 10, 2018


Huamei School celebrated the 34th Teacher's Day grandly.


September 14, 2018


The "Badminton Famous School Grand Tour" was held at Huamei School.


October 12, 2018


The Huamei Primary School Department held activities to celebrate the 69th anniversary of the establishment of the Young Pioneers and the first-grade entry ceremony.


October 17, 2018


Huamei School successfully held the first International Education Exhibition.


October 23, 2018


The 21st Sports Festival and the 25th Track and Field Sports Meeting of Huamei School were grandly opened.


November 2018


Huamei GIA Class Inter-School Robotics Team won the third place in the Make X Guangzhou Points Season.


November 13-14, 2018


Athletes from the middle school department of Huamei School achieved excellent results in this Tianhe District Middle and Primary School Students' Sports Meeting.


November 15, 2018


The 20th Huamei School Cultural and Art Festival was grandly opened.


November 15, 2018


The Chinese Primary School Principals' Conference Branch was held in the ladder classroom of the Huamei International School Primary School Department.


November 15-16, 2018


Huamei International School Primary School Department won 20 gold, 6 silver, and 5 bronze medals in the Tianhe District Middle and Primary School Sports Meeting Track and Field Competition.


November 24, 2018


The middle school department and international student department of Huamei School held a grand adult ceremony - "Eighteen and Aspiring, Dream Setting Sail."


November 25, 2018


Huamei Primary School Department won the championship and runner-up of the U13 group of the 2018 NFL China Flag Football League Southern Region.


December 2018


In the American-style debate competition for Chinese high school students, Huamei Sino-Canadian High School collectively won the Top Second School, and Yang Yuanjia and Tang Ke won the top eight of the debate competition.


December 19, 2018


The middle school department and international student department of Huamei School held the second Foreign Language Festival Evening.


From February 15-18, at the USAD United States Academic Decathlon China Station held in Chengdu, Huamei International High School won the second prize in the Innovation Evaluation Team Competition and the Best Organization Award at the USAD China Station from more than 120 schools and more than 260 teams with more than 2,300 participants! Tang Ke won the gold medal in the economics subject!


From February 15th to 18th, at the USAD United States Academic Decathlon China competition held in Chengdu, Huamei International Middle School won the second prize in the Innovation Assessment Team Competition among more than 120 schools, more than 260 teams, and more than 2,300 participants! The USAD China Station Best Organization Award! Tang Ke won the gold medal in the economics subject!


On the morning of February 22, in the 2018-2019 VEX Robotics Asia Open, the two teams formed by Huamei International Middle School won two first prizes!


On February 28, the students and teachers of the senior three held the "100-day Oath Ceremony for the College Entrance Examination" and the oath rock climbing activity.


On March 14, the Huamei Middle School held a grand "100-day Oath Ceremony for the Middle School Exam" for the 2019 session at the school's sports center.


On March 28, Huamei International Education Group and Jiangsu Province Jingjiang City Binjiang New City Investment Development Co., Ltd. held a grand cooperation signing ceremony at Huamei School, jointly undertaking the task of building a high-quality international flagship school in the charming city of Jingjiang City, Jiangsu Province, located on the banks of the Yangtze River!


On April 9, the Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Chi Zhixiong, and his team conducted a special research on the work of the school's Communist Youth League at Guangzhou Huamei International School.


On April 10, the Deputy District Mayor of Tianhe District, Rao Jieyi, accompanied by Wang Haihong, the director and party group secretary of the district education bureau, Zhu Weiguang, the head of the security audit department, and Huang Pan, the director of the office, visited Huamei School to conduct research on the prevention of major risks in various fields of the district's education system.


On April 15, the first academic event "Scholars' Dispute" was jointly organized by the International Middle School Student Union and the American Debate Society.


In April, Huamei School was rated as "Guangdong Province Youth Campus Football Promotion School."


May 15th, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement and to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, vigorously promote the great spirit of patriotism, Huamei International School Middle School and International Student Department held the "Chasing Dreams of Youth" art evening party.


May 16th, the first "Youth Debate" debate competition of Huamei Middle School was successfully held in the 220 Academic Report Hall.


May 20th, in order to promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, Huamei International Middle School held the 11th "Child of the East" event.


May 30th, the International Middle School Department of Huamei School held the "Youth Festival" activity for students who are 18 years old.


In June, the "Guizhou Province Qian Nan Prefecture Education Management Training Class" sponsored by the National Primary and Secondary School Continuing Education Network, a total of more than 100 management cadres, visited Huamei School for visits, study, and exchanges.


In June, the 2019 college entrance examination of Huamei School achieved a new breakthrough! The number and proportion of people in the general college entrance examination who reached the high score priority filing line (commonly known as the heavy book line) far exceeded the data of Huamei School Middle School in the past ten years, reaching the total of the heavy book number of Huamei in the past two years. All Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan students, and foreign students were admitted to key universities, among which Wu Jianqiao was admitted to Peking University. The heavy book target completion rate was 340%, and the heavy book enrollment coefficient achievement rate was 288.1%, both of which ranked at the forefront of the city. The undergraduate rate of the general college entrance examination far exceeded any year in the past ten years of Huamei, among which the undergraduate rate of the science and engineering pillar class reached 100%. All students of all types in the whole grade reached the special line above, with a total pass rate of 100%, and for the first time, all students were promoted to higher education, which was the best record in the history of Huamei School Middle School.


June 10th, in order to promote the healthy growth of students and improve the level of campus football, and to promote the development of school football, the fourth grade of Huamei School Primary School launched the first football league activity.


June 15th, the 2019 Annual Council of Huamei Alumni Association, the 10th Anniversary of the 2009 Alumni Graduation, and the Alumni Career Exchange Meeting were grandly held in the Huangyu Hall on the second floor of Guangzhou Four Seasons Hotel.


June 19th, all teachers and students of Huamei School held a flag-raising ceremony and a flash event to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the school's establishment and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China on the track and field.


June 22nd, the Huamei High School Men's Football Team won the championship of the Global IELTS Cup of the Guangzhou International Middle School Alliance.


In June, a total of 157 students from Huamei School participated in the middle school entrance examination. With the joint efforts of all teachers and students, 118 people reached the minimum control score line for the first batch of ordinary high school admission in Guangzhou City, accounting for 75.2% of the total number of candidates, which is much higher than the average level of the city. There were 43 people scoring above 130 points in English, 26 people above 135 points, 8 people above 140 points, and the highest score was 146 points, once again highlighting the English characteristics and advantages of our school.


In June, the 148 graduates of the 2019 session of Huamei International Middle School received more than 400 admission notices from world-renowned schools, with a total scholarship amount of more than 2 million yuan. It continues to maintain the flagship position of admission in the South China region in the direction of Canada!


On July 5th, Huamei Kindergarten held a grand graduation ceremony for the 2019 session of the senior class.


On July 8th, the "China Root Search Journey - Charming South of the Five Ridges, Guangdong, Guangzhou Camp" was opened at Huamei School, and 19 Chinese youth aged 12 to 18 from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and other countries came to Guangzhou to find their roots.


On July 9th, in order to further explore the development model of an international boutique school with Chinese roots, enhance the brand strength of Huamei Education, and better serve the development of the national education cause, the Huamei Education Research Institute was officially established.


On July 18th, the second Guangdong Province English Subject Backbone Teacher Training Project opened at Huamei Foreign Language School.


From July 18th to 21st, at the 15th (2019) National Children's Calligraphy and Painting Competition held in Changsha, Hunan, Cai Chaodah, a young student from the Huamei Middle School Department, won the gold award!


In September, the hardware of Huamei School's administrative building, comprehensive building, primary school building, and kindergarten was comprehensively upgraded and renovated.


On September 10th, Huamei School held the 35th Teacher's Day and the 2019 Advanced Commendation Conference, and a number of outstanding teachers and advanced collectives were commended at the meeting.


On September 11th, Huamei Middle School held the "Song Every Day" activity launch ceremony in the academic report hall.


On October 1st, all departments of Huamei School carried out theme activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.


On October 16th, Huamei School successfully held the 2019 Huamei International Education Exhibition.


On October 22nd, the 22nd Physical Fitness Festival and the 26th Track and Field Sports Meeting of Huamei International School were grandly opened!


October 24-27, the RAISE2019 Asia International School Conference grandly opened in Shenzhen. Dr. Chen Feng, the principal of Huamei School, participated in the forum speech as a special guest, showcasing the accumulation, thinking, philosophy, and practice of Huamei Education over the years.


October 30, the first "Yangming Class Education Forum" was held with great ceremony at the school's sports center by the Huamei Middle School Department.


In October, the boys' football team of the Huamei Primary School Department won the championship of the Tianhe District Men's U10 C Group in the 6th Guangzhou Primary and Secondary School Sports Meeting Campus Football League.


November 10, at the 2019VIS International School Development Conference hosted by New School, the list of the most influential international school principals of 2019 was announced! Dr. Chen Feng, the principal of Huamei International School, was honored with the title of "2019 Most Influential International School Principal."


In November, at the "2019 Echo China · International School Annual Ceremony" held in Beijing, Dr. Chen Feng, the principal of Huamei School, was honored with the "China Popular Principal" award.


November 13, Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau issued the "Notice on the Recognition of Guangzhou Huamei International School and other 3 schools as Guangzhou Demonstration Ordinary High Schools," and Huamei School was successfully recognized as a Guangzhou Demonstration Ordinary High School!


November 16, the middle school department and international student department of Huamei International School held an adult ceremony with the theme: "Youth is so beautiful, I want to fight."


November 23, the 40th Anniversary Exhibition of Guangzhou Private Education and the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Schooling Group Development Cooperation Association (Preparation)" launch conference, hosted by the Guangzhou Private Education Association and guided by the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau, was held with great ceremony at Guangzhou Huamei International School.


In November, Ms. Xiong Jia, the lifelong honorary principal of Huamei School, was awarded the "Guangzhou Private Education 40 Years Outstanding Contribution Award."


In November, Huamei International School was awarded the "Guangzhou Private Education 40 Years Outstanding Contribution Organization Award."


In November, at the 2019 Tianhe District Middle and Primary School Students' Sports and Track and Field Meeting, the track and field team of the Huamei Primary School Department won a total of 14 championships, 12 second places, and 6 third places, with a total score of 216 points (212 points last year), winning the group total championship of the primary school C group. They won the three-peat championship of the sports meeting!


In November, the cheerleading team of the Huamei Primary School Department won the second place in the mixed group of the 2019 National Cheerleading League Guangzhou Station.


In November, Huamei School participated in the Tianhe District Middle and Primary School Campus Orientation Competition for the first time and won the third place in the group total score.


In November, Huamei School participated in the Tianhe District Middle and Primary School Rope Skipping Competition for the first time and won the third place in the group total score.


December 5, the third "Foreign Language Festival Art Evening" of the middle school department and international student department of Huamei School was held with great ceremony at the sports center.


December 3, the "Huamei High School Pillar Class Mentor Group" was officially established.


December 4, the 15th Moral Education Experience Exchange Meeting of Huamei School was successfully held!


January 6, 2020, Huamei Kindergarten officially received authorization from the IB official and

September 7, 2020, approaching the 36th Teacher's Day, Huamei School held a solemn and sacred flag-raising ceremony to pay tribute to the ordinary and great group of teachers.


September 23, 2020, the research reports of Jin Ziyu from Class 4 of the second year, Liao Haoming from Class 4 of the second year, and Peng Xing from Class 7 of the second year of Huamei Middle School were published in the research column of the 3491st issue of Guangdong Teaching Newspaper.


September 24, 2020, the 2020 class of the Pillar Class Mentor Group was established to provide the strongest guarantee for the students of the Pillar Class to sprint to the top universities in the country through the "Strong Foundation Plan."


October 15, 2020, Guangkai Huamei School of Foreign Languages held the graduation ceremony for the 2020 class.


October 20, 2020, Huamei School held the 23rd Physical Fitness Festival and the 27th Track and Field Sports Meeting with great ceremony.

At the 2020 Tianhe District, Guangzhou City "China Sports Lottery" Middle and Primary School Students' Sports Meeting Track and Field Competition, the track and field team of the Huamei Primary School Department once again won the C group team championship! Achieved four consecutive championships in this event and group.

November 20, 2020, the opening ceremony of the Huamei Primary School Campus Football Class League was held with great ceremony on the sports field.


November 21, 2020, Huamei Middle School held the 2020 Adult Ceremony with great ceremony.

November 2020, Huamei International High School was awarded the honor of "2020 Echo China" Outstanding Overseas Study Promotion Brand School, and Principal Huang Yan of the International Middle School was awarded the honor of "2020 Echo China" Leading Figure of International School.


December 1, 2020, Huamei School held the groundbreaking ceremony for the Smart Building with great ceremony!


December 3, 2020, Huamei Middle School held the 4th Foreign Language Festival Evening.


As of December 10, 2020, students from the 2021 class of Huamei International High School have received a total of 10 interview notices from the University of Hong Kong (4), the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (5), and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (1). At the same time, they also received 33 admission letters from 12 famous schools in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries, all of which are ranked in the top 100 universities in the world.

December 11, Huamei International School was awarded the "Guangdong Private Education 40th Anniversary Outstanding Contribution Organization Award," and Principal Xiong Jia was awarded the "Guangdong Private Education 40th Anniversary Outstanding Contribution Individual Award."


December 19, at the Tianhe District Middle and Primary School Students' Sports Meeting Campus Orientation Competition, Huamei School won the third prize in the junior high school group, the second prize in the primary school A group, the first prize in the primary school B group, the first prize in the senior high school group, and the "Outstanding Organization Award.


In January, at the 4th National Calligraphy Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students "China Good Calligraphy Copybook," Cai Chaoda from Huamei Middle School won the first prize, and Ye Yuxian and Li Yujun won the second prize.


On January 27th, Huamei International School officially signed a "Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement" with Guangzhou Middle School.


On March 5th, Huamei International School was honored as a "Guangdong Province Characteristic Education Brand School," and Dr. Chen Feng, the principal of Huamei School, was honored as an "Outstanding Principal."


On March 11th, Huamei Middle School held a grand ceremony for the 100-day sprint oath of the 2021 middle school examination at the school's sports center.


In March, Huamei International School was officially rated as a Green School in Guangdong Province.


On April 15th, Academician Wang Jianyu, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Executive Deputy Chief Designer of "Mozi," visited Huamei School to give a lecture.


On April 16th, Guangzhou Song and Dance Troupe entered Huamei Primary School to popularize Chinese traditional culture and lion dance culture for students.


On May 22nd, Huamei Phoenix Science and Innovation Class was officially established.


On May 18th, Huamei International High School held the Adulthood and Aspiration Festival for students who turned eighteen.


On May 18th, Guangzhou Huamei International School ranked 9th in Forbes China's international schools and 1st in the South China region!


On May 19th, Huamei Middle School held a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 22nd Science and Innovation Festival Awards Ceremony of the Middle School Department.


On May 28th, Guangzhou Huamei International School was honored as one of the "Top Ten Outstanding International Schools in Forbes China," and Dr. Chen Feng, the principal of Huamei School, was honored as one of the "Top Ten Outstanding Principals in Forbes."


On June 1st, Huamei Kindergarten held a series of activities to celebrate Children's Day.


On June 9th, Huamei Middle School held a simple yet grand graduation ceremony for students who finished the college entrance examination.


On June 19th, Huamei School held a flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 28th anniversary of the school.


On June 24th, the sixth-grade students of the 2021 class of Huamei Primary School ushered in their graduation ceremony.


On June 29th, Huamei International High School held a cloud graduation ceremony for the 2021 class.


On July 2nd, Huamei Kindergarten held the 2021 class graduation ceremony for the senior class.


On July 12th, Huamei Middle School held a graduation ceremony for the 2021 junior high school graduates.


On August 26th, in the NOC Competition Digital Artwork Creation Competition, 13 students from Huamei Primary School all advanced to the provincial competition, 7 students won the second prize in the national competition, and 6 students won the third prize in the national competition.


The 2021 graduating class of 112 students from the International High School of Huamei Experimental School received a total of 606 university admission notices. The admission rate to the world's top 50 universities was 75%, and the admission rate to the world's top 100 universities was 86%.


In September, the student canteen of Huamei School completed a comprehensive upgrade and renovation.


On September 4th, Huamei Primary School held a "Kai Bi" ceremony for first-grade students.


On September 10th, Huamei School held Teacher's Day celebrations.


On September 15th, Huamei School held the first-grade teacher appointment ceremony.


On September 18th, Huamei Primary School and Kindergarten held a series of activities to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and appreciate Chinese traditional culture.


In September, Dr. Chen Feng, the principal of Huamei School, was honored to serve as the Chief Education Inspector of the Tianhe District Government of Guangzhou after research and decision by the director's office meeting of the Education Bureau.


In September, Dr. Chen Feng, the principal of Huamei School, was honored to be elected as a delegate of the 17th People's Congress of Tianhe District after several rounds of nomination, inspection, and voting.


In September, at the first member meeting of the 7th session of the Guangzhou Private Education Association, Dr. Chen Feng, the principal of Huamei School, was re-elected as the president of the Guangzhou Private Education Association.


On October 1st, various departments of Huamei School held a series of activities to celebrate National Day.


On October 17th, the Huamei Primary School's quirky cheerleading team won first place in the public children's mixed group - flower ball prescribed movements at the 2121 National Children's Cheerleading Elite Competition (Guangzhou Station).


On October 26th, Huamei School held its 24th Physical Fitness Festival and the 28th Track and Field Day.


On November 25th and 29th, the Foreign Language Festival and the First English All-Around Competition of the Middle School Department of Huamei International School were successfully held.


In the national competition of the 19th National NOC Competition Cube event in 2021, Huamei students won one first prize and four second prizes!


In November 2021, the Huamei Primary School track and field team won the championship of the "Tianhe District Primary and Secondary School Track and Field Competition" for the fifth consecutive year in the primary school C group!


On December 13th, in the 2021 Guangdong Province Brain Olympiad Innovation Thinking Competition, 11 teams from Huamei Primary School all won awards, winning 4 first prizes, 3 second prizes, and 4 third prizes in the provincial competition, and advanced to the national competition.


On December 15th, Huamei School successfully held the 17th Moral Education Exchange Meeting.


In December, the Huamei basketball team won the Guangzhou area championship of the ISBC International School Basketball Competition.


In December, Huamei School was selected as a school for the sixth batch of the Sino-American "Thousand Schools Hand in Hand" project.


In December, Huamei School was identified as a cultivation and creation unit for the 2021 Guangzhou City Education Internationalization Window School.


By December, Huamei International High School had received several interview invitations from prestigious schools such as the University of Cambridge, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and had won a total of 21 admission letters from prestigious schools such as Imperial College London, New York University Abu Dhabi, and the University of Manchester!


In December, the NEC players of Huamei International High School achieved good results in the 2022 event season regional station, with many people winning national individual total score gold awards, bronze awards, regional team total score silver awards, bronze awards, macroeconomics regional individual championship awards, and microeconomics regional individual championship awards.


January 8, 2022, Dr. Chen Feng, the principal of Huamei School, was elected as the Executive Chairman of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Schooling Group Cooperation Association, and delivered a preparatory work report at the establishment conference of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Schooling Group Development Cooperation Association.


February 26, 2022, the senior three students of the middle school department of Huamei School gathered at the sports center to hold the "100-day Oath Ceremony for the College Entrance Examination," marking the beginning of the final sprint!


February 2022, Jin Haixin from Class 1 of the first year of the middle school department of Huamei International School was awarded the title of "Outstanding Student of Guangzhou City."


March 1, 2022, Ms. Zhu Lina, the secretary of the Party branch of Huamei School, was honored with the title of "Guangdong Province March 8th Red Banner Holder."


March 2022, Huamei School cooperated with the Thai Global Cultural Education Group and the Thai-China Friendship Association to offer Huamei ISD online courses, sharing Chinese culture and educational resources with Thai students in the form of online courses.


March 11, 2022, the middle school department of Huamei School held a grand mobilization meeting for the "100-day Oath Ceremony for the Middle School Exam."


March 2022, 35 students from Huamei Primary School won awards in the "Little Scientist" category of the 12th Guangzhou White List Science and Innovation Competition. Among them, 3 people won the first prize, 11 people won the second prize, and 21 people won the third prize. 12 teachers won the honor of "Outstanding Tutor," among which 6 people won the first prize, and the rest won the second prize. Teachers and students worked together to win the "Outstanding Organization Award."


May 18, 2022, the International High School Department of Huamei School held a grand 18th adult ceremony.


May 18, 2022, the middle school department of Huamei School held a grand "Knowledge Builds Dreams, Five Moves of Youth" - "May Fourth" evening party and the first campus drama festival.


May 28, 2022, the Guangdong Education Supervision Society's member representative conference and the fourth council change meeting were held at Huamei School, and a relocation ribbon-cutting and plaque unveiling ceremony were held.


May 2022, Huamei primary school students won the 6th place in the world and the 1st place in South China at the World Olympiad of Innovation Thinking competition!


June 1, 2022, the primary school department of Huamei School held a grand "June 1st" evening party.


June 2022, in the Forbes 2022 China International School Ranking, Huamei School ranked first in Guangzhou.


June 12, 2022, the middle school department of Huamei School held a grand graduation ceremony for the senior three students.


June 18, 2022, the 2012th alumni held a "Ten-Year Agreement" event for high school graduates to return to school.


June 20, 2022, all teachers and students of Huamei School gathered on the track and field to hold a solemn flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 29th anniversary of the school's establishment.


June 22, 2022, the third-year students of the middle school department and the GIC class of the International High School Department of Huamei School held a grand graduation ceremony.


June 23, 2022, the primary school department of Huamei School held a grand graduation ceremony for the 2022 sixth-grade class.


June 25, 2022, Professor Zhou Hongyu, the vice president of the China Education Society and a member of the National Education Supervision Expert Group, was appointed as the chief expert of the Huamei School's expert group.


June 26, 2022, Huamei School held a grand opening ceremony for the Smart Building and held a "New Era Private Education Development Seminar."


June 30, 2022, the International High School Department of Huamei School held a grand graduation ceremony for the 2022 senior three class.


In the 2022 college entrance examination, the middle school department of Huamei School achieved new results! Among the 183 students who took the exam in the 2022 session, 58 people passed the special control line, with a special control rate of 32%; 137 people passed the undergraduate line, with an undergraduate rate of 75%, both of which are the highest in the history of Huamei.


The 2022 graduates of Huamei International High School received a total of 552 admission notices from 103 famous schools in 12 countries and regions.


Huamei students received an average of 4.95 offers each! Among them, 123 were from the University of Toronto in Canada. They won the championship in South China for two consecutive years! Among them, 56.7% of Huamei students received pre-admission notices from Top 30 universities, and as high as 88.3% of Huamei students received pre-admission notices from Top 50 universities.


In June 2022, Liang Shan, Xie Shanxi, Zhang Weifeng, Zhang Zuyu, Yu Chengjun, Chen Junpeng, and Luo Tian from Huamei School were rated as the most beautiful teenagers in Tianhe District, Guangzhou.


In July 2022, Huamei Kindergarten held a grand "You Fly, I Wish" graduation ceremony for the 2022 class.


On July 16, 2022, Dr. Chen Feng, the principal of Huamei International School, was honored as one of the "Forbes Top Ten Outstanding International School Principals." Huamei International School achieved the first place in Guangzhou in the "Forbes China · International School Annual Selection" in 2022.


In August 2022, the Party History Museum, Clinic, and Comprehensive Building of Huamei School were fully upgraded.


On August 21, 2022, the Huamei Alumni Association held the 2022 Huamei Alumni Association Council Meeting.


On August 21, 2022, the 2002th alumni held a "Twenty-Year Agreement" event for high school graduates to return to school.


August 30, 2022, Professor Jiang Jianrong, former director of the Health Department of the Guangzhou Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, was appointed as the Chief Health Expert of the Huamei International School's School Management Expert Group.


September 5, 2022, Huamei School held a grand flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 38th Teacher's Day.


September 28, 2022, the primary school department of Huamei School held a Confucius worship ceremony.


September 2022, Huamei School was rated as 'excellent' for four consecutive years in the safety management assessment of the Tianhe District education system.


September 30, 2022, Huamei School was awarded as a "Guangzhou Private Education Party Building Work Demonstration Point" by the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau and the Municipal Private Education Industry Party Committee for its outstanding party building work.


October 17, 2022, the primary school department of Huamei School held a grand "Celebrate the 20th National Congress and Strive to be a Good Team Member" brigade committee medal awarding ceremony.


October 2022, The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (a tier-A hospital) officially settled in Huamei School to provide health services and protect the health of teachers and students.


October 2022, the middle school department and international high school department of Huamei School held the "Time Letter. Write to Yourself at 28" activity.


December 2022, the primary school department of Huamei School held the first Cloud Concert.


December 2022, Huamei Kindergarten was rated as 'excellent' in the 2022 Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, kindergarten education and teaching quality assessment, and at the same time, Huamei Kindergarten also achieved "Top 30 Private Kindergartens".


Huamei Kindergarten has been rated as 'excellent' by the Tianhe District Education Bureau of Guangzhou City for three consecutive times, and has achieved the top 30 private gardens for two consecutive years in 2020 and 2022!


December 22, 2022, the Huamei Head Teacher Growth Paradise - Head Teacher Club was officially established.


December 2022, Huamei students won awards in the 2022 Australian Mathematics Assessment, the University of Waterloo Mathematics Competition, and the VEX Robotics Science and Engineering Challenge, among other competitions.


Glory to Huamei, continuous innovation, exploration of science and technology, gathering of elites, youth blooming, and preparing for the future.


The six annual key words of Huamei.


Let's focus on Huamei in 2023 together.


In 2023, we will witness the glory of Huamei, which will lead a new chapter in its 30th year. Countless important moments and vibrant stories will be recorded in history.


Continuous innovation is the best interpretation of Huamei. In 2023, the school will innovate in teaching models and admission results, and Huamei people will continuously surpass themselves and climb to new heights.


Exploration of science and technology helps Huamei to bloom and become an accelerator for development. In 2023, Huamei School will continue to work hard in the field of science and technology, and Huamei students will achieve remarkable results in science and technology innovation. They will step onto a broader stage and continue to contribute to the progress of science and technology in the world with the youthful strength of Huamei.


In 2023, Huamei will gather a large number of people from the education and academic communities to jointly promote the progress and development of the school.


In 2023, the youth of Huamei will bloom, which is also the endless source of vitality for Huamei. Whether it is campus cultural activities, social practice, or artistic performance, Huamei students will shine and add infinite vitality to the campus.


Preparing for the future, Huamei School will go all out for 2024. Huamei people will welcome future challenges with fuller enthusiasm and a broader vision, and continue to strive to cultivate more outstanding talents.


In 2023, we witnessed the glory of the school and also ushered in new breakthroughs and achievements. Behind all these achievements is Huamei School's unremitting pursuit of excellence and the testimony of the hard work of every teacher and student.


In 2024, Huamei School will lead with glory and dreams to write a more brilliant chapter.



Huamei Glory


In January, Huamei School was officially recognized by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education as a school promoting basketball, volleyball, and swimming on campus, and it is the only school that has applied for and passed all three items!


In January, Huamei School was ranked 17th in the national list of the top 100 international school brands by Jingling in 2023!


In May, the "2023 Forbes China · Selection of International Schools" was released, and Huamei School was once again listed in the top ten, ranking eighth in the country!


In June, the Party Branch of Huamei School was rated as a "Demonstration Point for Party Building Work in Private Education in Tianhe District" and "Advanced Party Organization in the Education System of Tianhe District."


In September, Huamei School was rated as a window school for international education in Guangzhou by the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau.


In November, Huamei School won the honor of "2023 RAISE Outstanding Contribution Award for 30 Years of Asian International Schools."


In November, Huamei School was rated as the first "Featured School for Campus Golf Development Program" in Guangzhou by the China Golf Association, with many guests participating in the unveiling ceremony.


Continuously Setting New Highs


In June, Li Le, a senior student at Huamei School, was admitted to Tsinghua University, and Lan Lan was admitted to Peking University!


In July, the academic achievements of Huamei School in the middle school and high school entrance examinations once again achieved brilliant results! The admission rate to the top 100 world-renowned schools of the international high school reached 91.84%!


In September, Huamei School had 4,298 students and 730 faculty and staff, setting a new historical record!


Exploration of Science and Innovation


In April, seven elementary school students won the fourth place in the National Brain Olympiad Innovation Thinking Competition, obtaining the qualification for the 2023 finals, which is the best result in Guangdong Province!


In April, in the 24th IRO International Robot Olympiad National Competition, Huamei School won two silver medals and one bronze medal!


In May, the Huamei Youth Science Academy was officially unveiled, and the 24th "Create · Make Festival" of Huamei was launched simultaneously.


In May, the third National Youth Science and Technology Education Achievement Exhibition Competition Guangdong Regional Competition was held at Huamei School!


In July, the 2022-2023 Global Invention Conference China District Guangdong Competition was officially opened at Huamei School!


In August, Zhong Kanyan and other students from Huamei Middle School won the gold medal in the provincial competition and the bronze medal in the national competition at the Global Invention Conference. Chen Jianchang and other students from Huamei Primary School won the silver medal in the provincial competition and the silver medal in the national competition at the Global Invention Conference!


In November, the 2023-2024 Global Invention Conference China District Competition was officially launched at Huamei School in Guangzhou!


In December, Chen Boxin and Chen Boyi, students from Huamei International High School, won the first prize in the "VEX Asian Robotics Championship" organized by the VEX Robotics Alliance!


Gathering of Elites


In March, Professor David Cardwell, Vice President of the University of Cambridge and Academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering of the United Kingdom, had a face-to-face meeting with Huamei students, teachers, and parents.


In April, Professor Liu Ke, a foreign academician of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, Chair Professor of the Department of Chemistry at the Southern University of Science and Technology, and Dean of the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Southern University of Science and Technology, gave a special lecture for Huamei students.


In May, Academician Xu Yigang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) gave a lecture for Huamei students.


In June, the "Guangzhou Private School High-Quality Development Think Tank" was successfully held at Huamei School.


In August, Academician Jin Zhenmin, a structural geologist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, had a face-to-face meeting with Huamei students.


In September, Professor Zhou Hongyu, a member of the 13th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Vice President of the Chinese Society of Education, Dean of the National Education Governance Research Institute of Huazhong Normal University, and Chief Expert of the Huamei School Management Expert Group, gave a lecture at the school.


In June, the "Guangzhou Private School High-Quality Development Think Tank" was successfully held at Huamei School.


In June, the 30th anniversary celebration of Huamei School and the 30th anniversary school celebration art evening were held, with leaders and guests from all walks of life participating, and multiple media such as Xinhua Net broadcasted live to the world.


Youthful Bloom


In February, the middle school department held a hundred-day oath ceremony for the college entrance examination, marking the beginning of the final hundred-day sprint.


In March, the ordinary middle school held a grand coming-of-age ceremony for the 2023 graduates.


In May, the international high school held the Coming of Age · Aspiration Festival for the 2023 graduates.


In June, the kindergarten, primary school, ordinary middle school, and international high school held the 2023 graduation ceremony.


In July, the first-grade students of Huamei Primary School and their parents participated in a special "Huamei New Student Entrance Ceremony".


In October, Huamei School held a grand coming-of-age ceremony for the high school students of 2024 who are about to become adults. Wang Jianhui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Tianhe District Education Bureau, and other leaders attended the event and delivered a speech.


In October, the 26th Huamei School Sports Festival and the 30th Track and Field Day opened grandly!


In October, in the "My Home is on the 'Belt and Road'" borderless children's painting exhibition, 14 works from 8 countries of Huamei School participated in the exhibition.


In December, Zhou Yujie, a student from the middle school department of Huamei, won the gold medal in the women's 16-19 age group 100m butterfly, the silver medal in the 50m butterfly, and the silver medal in the 200m medley at the Guangdong Provincial Youth Swimming Championship Finals.


Building for the Future


In March, the third session of the Huamei School Parent-School Cooperation Committee was successfully held, and the third Huamei Parent-School Cooperation Committee was officially established.


In June, the 2003 alumni's 20-year appointment and the 2013 alumni's 10-year appointment were held as scheduled.


In June, the 2023 annual meeting of the Huamei Alumni Association was successfully held.


In August, Huamei School was upgraded again, with the completion and commissioning of Building G student dormitory and the planetarium.