Guangzhou Huamei International School warmly welcomes the Hong Kong Christian Alliance College delegation of teachers and students


On July 5, 2024, Guangzhou Huamei International School welcomed a delegation of 110 teachers and students from Hong Kong Christian Alliance College for a half-day visit and exchange activity in the mainland. This event is not only a showcase of the educational philosophy and teaching achievements of Huamei International School but also an important opportunity to deepen friendship and promote cultural exchanges between the two schools.

At the beginning of the event, Huamei International School held a warm welcome ceremony at the main entrance of the school. Accompanied by teachers and students of Huamei International School, the delegation visited the school's symbolic places such as the Auspicious Tree, Ruyi Stone, and Youth Square, and took a group photo in front of the Wisdom Building.


In the lecture hall on the first floor of the Wisdom Building, the delegation watched the promotional video of Huamei International School. Dr. Chen Feng, the chairman of Huamei International School, delivered a welcome speech and introduced the school's situation.

Hao Jinlong, a teacher from the middle school department, gave a touching ideological and political themed lecture with the theme of "The Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation" to the teachers and students present.


The student club activity display organized by teacher Chen Mingren became the highlight of this event. These activities not only demonstrated the versatility of Huamei International School students but also promoted interaction and exchange between students from both schools.

The Hong Kong Christian Alliance College delegation also visited the student club activity achievement exhibition on the second floor of the Wisdom Building, further understanding the efforts and achievements of Huamei International School in cultivating students' comprehensive qualities.

Huamei International School provided a sumptuous lunch for the delegation in the canteen, allowing Hong Kong teachers and students to experience the mainland's food culture, and held a brief and warm farewell ceremony for the delegation.

Guangzhou Huamei International School not only demonstrated its outstanding achievements in the field of education but also made significant contributions to international exchanges. Through in-depth exchanges with Hong Kong Christian Alliance College, the school has strengthened mutual understanding and friendship between young people from both places, building a bridge for promoting the internationalization of education and cultural exchanges.

Guangzhou Huamei International School has always attached great importance to international exchanges. The school actively introduces advanced international educational concepts and teaching methods, establishes friendly cooperative relations with many internationally renowned schools, and regularly carries out teacher-student visits and academic exchange activities. At the same time, the school also offers a variety of international courses, providing students with a broad international perspective and multicultural experiences.


In addition, the school often holds international education forums and seminars, inviting domestic and foreign education experts to share experiences and explore the frontier trends of educational development. In terms of student training, the school focuses on cultivating students' cross-cultural communication skills and global vision, encouraging students to participate in various competitions and exchange programs, allowing students to showcase their talents on the world stage.


Guangzhou Huamei International School will continue to uphold an open and inclusive attitude, continuously strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, and make unremitting efforts to cultivate future talents with international competitiveness and a sense of social responsibility, contributing more to the international development of the educational cause.