Campus News





Theoutbreak of COVID-19 has turned the whole world into silence. To prevent thespread of the virus, all regions and countries have rolled out policies torestrict international travel. Even though ISD students are in different partsof the world, modern technology has connected us online.  The global village has developed sofast and every single person, no matter what nationality you are, has becomepart of the community of shared future for mankind.ISD has more than 400 International students and they are from all over theworld such as Asia, America, Europe andAfrica, which means each ISD student has a worldwide network. ISDstands for Innovation, Success and Diversity. We strive to help students to seeand think from the perspective of a global citizen. Online study has alwaysbeen a tool to help teaching in ISD before. Aftertwo months of online study, we announce the first batch of Star Students whohave kept their academic focus. Come and see what do they think about onlinestudy so far.


英文/科学之星English/Science Star

金泰贤 韩国14岁

TaehyeonKim  Korea



Taehyeonjoined us one year ago. He couldn’t speak English or Chinese in the beginning,but now he is not only able to communicate in English, he conducted hisresearch project in English.

1.    你最喜欢的课程是什么?

What is your favourite class?


Emm.. I like English because most countries speak English,and I could make a lot of friends.

2.    你喜欢现在的网课这种形式么?

Do you like the form of online study?

I really like studying online because I like computers andIT. I think it is very interesting.

3.    如果现在你可以和英文老师说一句话,你会说什么?

If you could say one word to your teacher, what would yousay to him?


I really want to say thank you Mr. Keven. Thank you foryour patience.


英文之星 English Star

吴剑浩 委内瑞拉14岁

WilsonVenezuela 14


Forlanguage study, ISD groups students according to their level.  Wilson is in the intermediate level.  Recently, his group learned how to write astory.

1.    你最喜欢的学科是英文么?为什么?

What’ s your favourite subject and why?


Yes, because I would like to communicate with people fromdifferent countries. In ISD, although we are from different countries, Englishis the common language. I hope to take IELTS and 6 so I can go to my dreamuniversity.

2.    你喜欢英文老师么?

Do you like your English teacher?


Yeah, I do. I think his teaching style is amazing and fitsme. His assignments are never boring . The most important thing is he will bethere no matter when I need him.

3.    从我们开始上网课后,你觉得你现在的学习状态和以前有什么不同?

What is your learning state since we started online class?


I think before I needed the teacher to push me but now Itake more initiative.



汉语之星 Chinese Star

Keeta  泰国16岁

KeetaThailand  16


Keetajoined ISD six months ago.  He is in theChinese Beginner Level class.

1.    汉语老师说你的中文进步非常大,你觉得汉语难么?你喜欢中文么?

I heard from the Chinese teacher that you have made really greatprogress. Do you like Chinese? Is it difficult?


Ithink Chinese is not difficult, and I hope to speak Chinese fluently in twoyears. In the future, I will be able to do business between China and Thailand.

2.    你最喜欢哪一科的老师?


Ireally like the Chinese teacher. She helped me a lot.


汉语之星 Chinese Star

Jacky  厄瓜多尔 14岁

JackyEcuador 14


Jackyis an advanced Chinese learner. He is able to do research study in Chinese.

1.    你喜欢汉语课么?

Do you like Chinese class?


Yes, I do. Chinese is my favourite class. My Chinese isalways the best among all of my subjects. I think I have potential to study Chinese, but my handwriting is notvery good.


2.    你喜欢你的汉语老师么?

Do you like your Chinese teacher?


I think my Chinese teacher, Ms. Rebecca, is awesome. Shealways gives examples, and her class is quite interesting. My Chinese handwritingis not very good,  and she has beenhelping me with that for a long time .


数学之星  Math Star

Victor 韩国16岁

VictorKorea 16


Victoris the class leader, and he has been an ISD student for a long time.

1.    你最喜欢的课程是什么?

What is your favourite class?


My favourite class is math. I particularly like online mathclass now because I think the content, and the way of studying it quite fitsme.  My math teacher is a very diligentguy, and I can see he is working very hard to teach us.

2.    你喜欢你现在的学习状态么?

Do you like your learning state now?


I think so far it is good. Although we have more work todo, at the same time, I think I am more efficient now. I hope we can get backto school very soon. I miss my friends, and I want to go back and go to alldifferent events in ISD.



科学之星 Science Star


TopThailand 15



Tophas been in ISD for 2 years. His favourite classes are Chinese and English, buthe is also doing a good job in science.

1.    你觉得现在的科学课怎么样?

What do you think of the science class?


I think science is interesting. We can do a lot of projectsand experiments.

2.    你觉得ISD的老师和同学怎么样?

What do you think of ISD teachers and students?


I like making friends from different places. I also likeISD teachers. They are nice and hard working.




Jason  Indonesia 14


Jasoncouldn’t accept our interview because of internet problems.  From what we heard from his teacher, Jasonhas done a really good job in math. He has been with  ISD for one semester.  ISD stands for Innovation, Success andDiversity. It is a department that is full of diversity, and we focus on everysingle student to motivate them and develop their creativity. We believe thatthe definition of success should also be diversified. We hope ISD will be abeacon to light the way to success for students.