Xiong JiaOne of the five founders of Huamei International School, Lifetime Honorary Principal

One of the five founders of Huamei International School in Guangzhou, served as a member of the first, second, and third board of directors, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, former director of the original school committee, Lifetime Honorary Principal of Huamei International School, and former educational supervisor of the Guangzhou Municipal Government. Holds a Master of Science from the University of Guelph in Canada, a Master of Arts from York University, and a Master of Advanced Business Administration from the University of Ottawa; successively awarded as "Innovative Management Principal" and "Outstanding Contribution Award for Returned Entrepreneurs in Guangzhou". Jointly honored by the Guangzhou Municipal Committee and the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government as one of the first "Top Ten Outstanding Returned Overseas Students in Guangzhou", being the only female recipient among the "Top Ten". Awarded "Outstanding Individual of Returned Overseas Chinese and Their Relatives" by the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council. In 2019, received the "Outstanding Contribution Award for 40 Years of Private Education in Guangzhou", and in December 2020, received the "Outstanding Contribution Award for the 40th Anniversary of Private Education in Guangdong Province".